Jean Lievens: The Unionization of Digital Workers — Next Big Thing?

Access, Culture, Design, Economics/True Cost, Manufacturing, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Sources (Info/Intel)
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Phi Beta Iota: Brother Jean has pointed to a Financial Times article for which payment is demanded, good-bye Financial Times. The core material: “Future of work” is a hot topic. Sara Horowitz and Freelancers Union could be indicators of unionization and influence potential. Out of a population of 319 million in the USA, more or less, 53 million are said to be working as free lancers. The future of work, as Richard Wolff has now realized, is dependent on the future of democracy — without electoral reform we cannot bring democracy into the workplace. The future of work — if it is to be characterized by prosperity for all and peace across Earth — demands holistic analytics, true cost economics, and open source everything engineering. Root, however, is OpenPower — Electoral Reform.



Shima Beigi: Resilience From Mindfulness Engineering© Perspective

Shima Beigi
Shima Beigi

Resilience From Mindfulness Engineering© Perspective

Although framing the concept of resilience is not a straightforward process and various scientists have already tried to challenge the utility of the concept, in this post with a reference to my recently finished PhD, I share some of my thoughts on resilience of complex adaptive systems. As I demonstrated in the below figure, to be resilient we have to learn to think and speak in a shared space of collective understanding.

Extraordinary graphic below the fold.

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Jean Lievens: Beyond the market-state – decentralising power in a sharing society

Access, Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

This is broadly in line with what P2P theorist Michel Bauwens refers to as the partner state – a reformed governmental apparatus that builds on the welfare state…

Beyond the market-state: decentralising power in a sharing society

CONCLUSION: Resilient and socially inclusive communities can clearly play an immediate role in the great transition that still lies ahead, but it will remain impossible to establish economic systems that are structurally just and truly sustainable until political power is radically decentralised – especially at the national and global level – and wealth is distributed more equally throughout society. By recognising the global roots of our local struggles, those working towards local alternatives to economic globalisation therefore have a central role to play in democratising our governance systems from the top down as well as the bottom up.

Open Agriculture Data Alliance

Access, Cloud, Data, Design, Innovation, Resilience, Transparency

Open Agriculture Data Alliance

Modern production agriculture has the potential to dramatically improve crop yields and reduce environmental impacts by enabling farmers to properly evaluate past, current and future farm management decisions through analysis of agronomic data generated in the field. However farmers are currently overwhelmed with walled gardens of incompatible data generated by their existing systems (geodata images, logs, reports, charts). Farmer’s want the hardware and software systems they use to interoperate – that is, to share information and be able to adequately rely on each other to help support decision-making. Learn more.