Anthony Judge: Recognizing the Psychosocial Boundaries of Remedial Action

Culture, Economics/True Cost, Geospatial, Knowledge, Politics
Anthony Judge

31st October 2009 | Draft

Recognizing the Psychosocial Boundaries of Remedial Action

constraints on ensuring a safe operating space for humanity


Planetary boundaries of the environmental system
Necessity for urgent action, globally, regionally and locally
Global remedial action boundaries
Substantiating the remedial capacity boundaries
Polyocular strategic vision
Systemic isomorphism
Representation of boundaries of coherence of complex systems
In quest of systemic functional connectivity

Full Paper

Anthony Judge: 12 Mindsets Ensuring Disappearance of Employment Opportunities

Culture, Economics/True Cost
Anthony Judge

5 August 2012 | Draft

12 Mindsets Ensuring Disappearance of Employment Opportunities

Towards a systemic reframing of the job culture

Mindsets endangering employment
Job culture vs. Recreation culture
Future of employment as a work-recreation hybrid
Challenging case studies in employment
Boredom and unemployment
Sustainable employment as exemplified by dialogue amongst archetypes
Enactivating an archetypal pattern of employment and unemployment
Confidence embodied in an interwoven set of circulating currencies
Cycling between tangible and intangible
Sustainability: Doing nothing intelligently?

Full Paper

Jon Lebkowsky: Doc Searls Book & Discussion – The Intention Economy

Culture, Economics/True Cost, P2P / Panarchy
Jon Lebkowsky

I’m leading a discussion on the WELL with Doc Searls about his new book, The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge, which explores new thinking about the power relationship between customers/consumers and vendors. Doc has been rethinking those relationships through Project VRM (via his fellowship at the Berkman Center at Harvard), which has recently led to the creation of a “customer commons.”

It’s an old saw to say that listening to customers is a way to improve and gain new market advantages. But the difference with VRM will be adapting to standards and practices set on the customers’ side — ones that work the same for all companies. There will be less and less leverage in communicating only within a company’s on communication silo. IMHO, “social” services like Twitter and Facebook are not going to provide those standard ways, because they too are privately owned silos.

Scale will only happen when everybody uses the same stuff in the same way. The Internet and its core protocols scaled because they were essentially NEA: Nobody owned them, Everybody Used them and Anybody could improve them. (Yes, some were owned in a legal sense, but in a practical sense they were ownerless. This is why, for example, Ethernet beat Token Ring. Intel, Xerox and Digital essentially released Ethernet into the public domain while IBM wanted to keep Token Ring fully private and charge or it. This bitter lesson had leverage later when IBM embraced Linux.) Email as we know it won because it scaled in exactly that way.

Reference: US Treasury Intelligence Unit – Strategic Direction

Economics/True Cost
Click on Image to Enlarge

PDF:  USTreasury-OIA-2012-2015

Phi Beta Iota:  Three facts jump out from this excellent overview noticed by David Isenberg.  First, in focusing so pointedly on illicit threats, the document is explicitly articulating a “hands off” policy against corrupt Congressional decision and licit theft such as made possible by the combination of deregulation and “control fraud” where US regulatory agencies turn a blind eye to high crimes and misdemeanors against the public interest.  Second, the report does not appear to reflect the reality that three-quarters of the world's economy is now off the books and not taxable, at the same time that the US revenue system is in chaos and dysfunctional to the nth degree.  A truly strategic treasury intelligence unit would have three strategic forecasting goals:

01)  Advise the government and the public of those measures necessary to radically increase government revenue while reducing the burden on individuals and small businesses.  Hint:  Automatic Payment Transaction Tax (APT Tax).

02)  In close alliance with a new Congressional Counterintelligence Office (CCO), police the Congress and eradicate the toxic combination of financial lobbying, criminal conspiracy to solicit earmark kick-backs, and legislative language in favor of any interest other than the public interest.

03)  In close alliance with a newly-empowered Management function in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), provide the Secretary and the President with an absolutely ruthless quarterly report on Whole of Government fiscal responsibility.



Anthony Judge: Laetus in Praesens – Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends

Culture, Economics/True Cost, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends

Mapping the social climate change engendering a perfect storm

Checklist of 30 disabling trends
Spiraling trends: cyclones in a climate of change?
Interweaving “cyclones” and “anti-cyclones” in a global system
Emergent polyhedral configuration of alternating systemic functions
Insights from the Conference of the Birds?

See Also:

Anthony Judge: 30 Disabling Global Trends (Checklist)

Full Text with Two Graphics and Many Links Below the Line

Continue reading “Anthony Judge: Laetus in Praesens – Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends”

Reflections on United Nations Intelligence & Counterintelligence

All Reflections & Story Boards, Economics/True Cost, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Your Aide Memoire came to my attention today.  Apart from wishing you every success, I thought to contribute a few ideas.

01  The new meme that has replaced Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) — I taught this to 90 countries including all NATO/PfP and six UN missions in Lebanon — is M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making).

02  Government is the least important of the eight communities (I used to call them tribes) of information and intelligence (decision-support).  The eight communities in alphabetic order are academia, civil society including labor unions and religions, commerce, government, law enforcement, media, military, and non-government/non

03  Governments have failed to be relevant or progressive for two reasons: first, they confuse intelligence (decision support or the outcomes) with secrecy (the method or inputs); and second, most government do not actually make evidence-based decisions, but rather decisions of convenience driven mostly by a mix of ideology and corruption–decisions that favor the special interests of the few against the public interest of the many.

Continue reading “Reflections on United Nations Intelligence & Counterintelligence”

Owl: Covert Plans for Banking Holiday – Move Your Money Now…

Commerce, Corruption, Economics/True Cost, Government, Knowledge
Who? Who?

Should the People Pull Their Money from the Banks While They Can?

“The biggest banks in the US have been given advisement by US regulators that they must make plans to stave off a complete financial collapse without relying on the US government. Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and other technocrats have secretly crafted worst-case scenarios in which they can continue to thrive during a full-blown domestic monetary crisis.”

This article offers many interesting items, including claims that the mega-banks have invested in DOD and security contractors such as DynCorp to protect the bankers when collapse comes, but the most interesting item comes from the end of this article, which talks about the real agenda to be implemented behind the new “Gauss” virus when its presence increases enough to significantly threaten the world banking system (my emphasis):

Continue reading “Owl: Covert Plans for Banking Holiday – Move Your Money Now…”