Michel Bauwens: 10 Open Source Policies for a Commons-Based Society

Access, Data, Design, Economics/True Cost, Education, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Science
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

10 Open Source Policies for a Commons-Based Society


1 Education 2 Research 3 Purchasing 4 Patents 5 Data 6 Collaboration 7 Commons 8 Health 9 Economy 10 Systemic Change

Tip of the Hat to Jean Lievens.

Open Government Graphic Below the Fold

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Frank de Langen: Open Education & Open Business

Access, Design, Economics/True Cost, Education
Frank de Langen
Frank de Langen

Open Education, efficiency, collaboration and management

Ben Janssen [has] made an interesting remark, as Ben often does. In his view, Open Education is not only a public good, but can also be used as a communication channel. As he stated:

“in my work as an external consultant I often find that departments within an organization are working on the same projects, starting the same pilots and the same programs”.

Even over organizations he sees the same phenomena: organizations who work on the same projects without knowing what happens a stone throw away.

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Jean Lievens: C. M. Rubin Interview Howard Rheingold on Global Search for (Digital) Education + PBI Meta

Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

The Global Search for Education: Digital

“We live in a world now where anybody can ask any question anywhere and get thousands of answers within seconds, but it is up to the questioner to determine which of those answers are legit, which are false, which are intentionally misleading.” — Howard Rheingold

The literacies today: attention, crap detection, participation, collaboration, and network awareness.

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Joan Blades: Living Room Conversations Primer

Access, Crowd-Sourcing, Design, Education, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Transparency
Joan Blades
Joan Blades

DOC (6 Pages): LRC General Information Packet

MoveOn, MomsRising, and now LivingRoomConversations

Generic meaningful social experiments in nurturing citizens in community. Note that the issue to be addressed communally is presented in Round 3, Rounds 1 and 2 are about building trust & understanding. There are a total of 5 rounds in two hours.

Full Text Online Below the Fold

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