Jean Lievens: Elements of Collaborative Economy – Social, Mobile, Payment Networks

Crowd-Sourcing, Design, Economics/True Cost, Innovation, Mobile, P2P / Panarchy, Science, Sources (Info/Intel)
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Forget about Growth Hacking, the future is in the Collaborative Economy


Anyone working in digital can somewhat relate to the overuse of loosely defined marketing words – think ‘big data’ or ‘cloud computing’ (bzzzz). Growth hacking seems to be just another one of them.

In colloquial terms, growth hacking is associated with the exploitation of loopholes and the use of illegal techniques online to grow business development. Of course, in some cases this has been reality. When PayPal was first used on eBay, it was actually breaching the retailer’s T&C’s. Similarly, when Airbnb first started they poached their customers from Craigslist by spamming listings and inviting users to join their directory instead.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

However, growth hacking can also simply be described as the ingenious use of tools, platforms and environments for business development, online AND offline – Google campus in East London, for example, is a good case of growth hacking taking place offline as start-ups use a shared working environment to maximise their potential.  Online, growth hacking is the use of tracking and metric tools that teach us where our time is best spent; and the leveraging of platforms where target audiences and key players are.

‘Hacking’ does not necessarily equal to detrimental consequences for larger corporations either. Indeed, Paypal was then bought by eBay, and when Airbnb developed its interface it added the option to ‘post to Craigslist’.

Continue reading “Jean Lievens: Elements of Collaborative Economy – Social, Mobile, Payment Networks”

SPONSOR SOUGHT: Open Source Everything Manifesto for Hackers on Planet Earth

#OSE Open Source Everything, Advanced Cyber/IO
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

A sponsor is sought for the purchase of 1000-2000 copies of THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth, & Trust. A hard copy of the book, or a watermarked digital copy, is available for examination.

Generally bulk purchases sell for 50% off retail.  The books come 44 to a box.  Where else can you reach 1,000-2,000 of the most adaptive intelligence people in the English-speaking world (with MANY internationals) for $5 each (estimated)?

The event takes place in 18-20 July 2013. The books, if to be distributed in hard copy, would require a special printing, hence 3 months advance arrangements recommended.  Kindle copies are easier.

The traditional sponsor's sticker can be inserted by the publisher into the printed or digital copy thus eliminating that cost and that step.

Communicate directly with the publisher's representative, Ms. Janet Levin <>.

Phi Beta Iota: The author, Robert Steele, who will take leave from Afghanistan to speak at HOPE, will be submitting his planned remarks to both the CIA Publications Review Board (PRB) and its DoD equivalent in ample time to secure approval.  Although spontaneous remarks are not subject to pre-publication review, Steele will be erring on the side of prudence henceforth.

See Also:

Event: 18-20 JUL 14 NYC Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE X)

Open Source Everything: The List

Open Source Everything Extracts

Open Source Everything at Phi Beta Iota

SmartPlanet: The Open Source Business Model

Culture, Design, SmartPlanet, Software

smartplanet logoFreedom from shareholders: how to succeed as an open-source business

For many launching businesses in today's fast-moving tech sector, the goal is to attract investors and shareholders, and eventually selling it all to an even larger company. One tech vendor, however, is bucking this urge, preferring instead to have a positive impact on its communities — both users and the cities in which it is locating offices. 

“A lot of companies are following that typical Silicon Valley path,” says Brian Cheung, CEO and co-founder of Liferay, Inc., a Los Angeles-based company which provides portal technology to organizations. “They’ve got their investors, and they’re aiming for that acquisition or that public offering. We're very conscientious about not doing that. We're still independent, privately held, with no outside capital.” The advantage to staying private is that becoming beholden to shareholders stifles innovation, he adds.

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Cheung at Liferay's recent confab in San Francisco, in which he expounded on his company's unique philosophy toward innovation and community development. The company, which builds and distributes its software via an open-source model, is founded on the belief that innovation and growth comes from helping to make its customers and communities stronger.

Continue reading “SmartPlanet: The Open Source Business Model”

David Isenberg: Open Source for Government

David Isenberg
David Isenberg

Steven Tyler captures the essence of open source when he says, “If you have a candle, the light won't glow any dimmer if I light mine off of yours.”

Like a candle's flame, software won't be anymore effective if kept to itself. With that said, in the name of sharing, GovLoop is proud to introduce our latest and free downloadable guide for government:

Agency of the Future: Open Source

Today, government is embracing open source to power websites, run internal communications platforms and more. Our comprehensive guide provides:

*   Survey results from 233 government professionals.

*   Insights on how open source will affect government in the next three to five years.

*   Interviews with a senior computer scientist at NASA and chief technology strategist at Red Hat.

Download The Full Guide Here

Please take time to learn about open source and share the information with others. Sharing will lead to brighter flames of innovation.

– Steve

Visit GovLoop – Knowledge Network for Government at:

Patrick Meier: Combining Radio, SMS, and Advanced Computing for Disaster Response

Cloud, Crowd-Sourcing, Design, Geospatial, Governance, Innovation, Mobile, Resilience
Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

Combining Radio, SMS and Advanced Computing for Disaster Response

I’m headed to the Philippines this week to collaborate with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on humanitarian crowdsourcing and technology projects. I’ll be based in the OCHA Offices in Manila, working directly with colleagues Andrej Verity and Luis Hernando to support their efforts in response to Typhoon Yolanda. One project I’m exploring in this respect is a novel radio-SMS-computing initiative that my colleague Anahi Ayala (Internews) and I began drafting during ICCM 2013 in Nairobi last week. I’m sharing the approach here to solicit feedback before I land in Manila.

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The “Radio + SMS + Computing” project is firmly grounded in GSMA’s official Code of Conduct for the use of SMS in Disaster Response. I have also drawn on the Bellagio Big Data Principles when writing up the in’s and out’s of this initiative with Anahi. The project is first and foremost a radio-based initiative that seeks to answer the information needs of disaster-affected communities.

Continue reading “Patrick Meier: Combining Radio, SMS, and Advanced Computing for Disaster Response”

Smart Kid: Reason and Common Sense Among Youth

Crowd-Sourcing, Culture
Smart Kid
Smart Kid

You sir are a lonesome voice of sanity reason and common sense in the asylum of todays political landscape. I ran across this video online and thought of you immediately. Brad Barker CEO of Halo Corporation is giving a TED talk. He proves the value of OPEN SOURCE INTEL in the real world. In the video he explains how a bunch of Hatian teens with cell phones schooled the GOVT and relief agencies on how to operate with tactical efficency. Don't let the bastards get you down!

Phi Beta Iota: See everything by Patrick Meier on this web site.  One day we will see Amazon, Avazz, CrisisMappers, and WISER fully integrated and operating on an Open Source Everything (OSE) technical foundation.  THAT will be a revolution.