SmartPlanet: Closer to Spray-On Solar Power for Windows

05 Energy, SmartPlanet

smartplanet logoStartup New Energy Technologies says that it has made a significant advancement toward large-scale production of “spray on” solar power generating windows.

New Energy debuted a prototype of its “SolarWindow” technology in 2010. It has been gradually moving toward commercialization ever since, and today announced improvements that it says will bring it closer to manufacturing large window panes. That makes future skyscrapers with exteriors that create renewable energy possible – a big advancement for places such as New York City where solar panels may be impractical.

SolarWindow is a process for applying plastic solar films to glass at room temperature and at low pressure. Windows retrofitted with the film can generate energy from the sun’s visible light as well as artificial illumination such as office lighting. They remain see-through, so that the glass’s aesthetic qualities aren’t lost.

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Stephen E. Arnold: Principles of Open Source and Social Media Align

#OSE Open Source Everything
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Principles of Open Source and Social Media Align

One of the newest major paths of technology, social media, owes much to a well-established model, open source. Giovanni Rodriguez draws many similarities between the two technologies (and ways of thinking) in his article for Forbes, “What Social Media (And the World) Owes to Open Source.”

Rodriguez finds some application:

“First, the principles of open source are not just restricted to technology projects; they can be applied — and have been applied, even before the OS movement got its name — to almost any market that depends on an ecosystem of different players.  Second — and this is something that so many tech-marketers and non-tech social media marketers ignore, forget, or never quite got:  the principles don’t just apply to online engagement, but offline as well.”

At the beginning of the article, the author states he was inspired to write the piece after attending a conference. The event that the author references is Lucene Revolution hosted by LucidWorks. LucidWorks is a great example of how these two worlds collide. Their value-added software is based on open source Apache Lucene/Solr, and their devoted developers and users form a strong social community. These types of value-added solutions are strongest when reinforced by the principles of both social networks and open source innovation.

Emily Rae Aldridge, May 13, 2013

Sponsored by, developer of Beyond Search

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NATO Innovation Hub: Communication on Social Media Next Steps

Advanced Cyber/IO, Communities of Practice, Crowd-Sourcing, Ethics
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Entering the Solution Design Phase
Social Media Event – May update

Dear Innovation Hub members,

“How should NATO use Social Media?” is the question you have been discussing for six weeks.  This online brainstorming was fruitful beyond all expectations!  Your motivation to engage in an expert level exploration of the topic has generated a broad understanding that is now shared among the community.  All the ideas produced have been carefully collected and presented to Allied Command Transformation hierarchy.  They fall under three categories,

-­‐ Opportunity areas : The effects NATO could achieve thanks to Social Media
-­‐ Enablers : What NATO should develop as a result of the Social Media
-­‐ Concerns : What NATO should pay attention to as a result of the Social Media

(You can find a list of these ideas here below)

From this list, the topics deserving immediate further exploration have been identified.  They are :

-­‐ Education and Training through New Media
-­‐ Alternative Command and Control
-­‐ Social Media Users Training

These topics enter now their Solution Design Phase. It means that they will be further explored up to the drafting of focused concept papers. Like the brainstorming, this work will be collaborative and conducted online. The online platform has been adapted for this phase. When you visit it you will easily identify the newly created topic groups. They include the new collaborative document editing function. Feel free to join them at NATO Innovation Hub.

Continue reading “NATO Innovation Hub: Communication on Social Media Next Steps”

4th Media: USA/USG in 74 Admitted Wars — Meanwhile, Activists Gear Up for “Fearless Summer” of Transformative Protests

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Terrorism, Crowd-Sourcing
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars … That It Will Publicly Admit

See Also:

CRS Report: Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2013

Graphic: US Bases (44) Surrounding Iran

“Fearless Summer”: Fearlessness Grows From the Grass Roots: US Protest Movement against the Banksters

A popular resistance is developing throughout the nation; and the more the government fails to listen, the more the media fails to report it, the bigger the explosion of resistance will be.

Neal Rauhauser: Professionalism & Propaganda

Architecture, Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Design, Economics/True Cost, Money, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Sources (Info/Intel)
Neal Rauhauser
Neal Rauhauser

Professionalism & Propaganda

One of the things I have done over the last six months has involved identifying and observing hive mind constructs in the real world. This happened in the context of examining the publicly visible process of foreign policy making. I wrote thirty three posts that are at least tangentially related to this pursuit. Hive mind constructs will eventually win out over point source propaganda, but it won’t be pretty to watch.

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Links and short descriptions of various sequential endeavors and their findings

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Monolithic corporate forces heavily invested in the status quo are wrestling with networked humans and finding they face a sort of memetic Devil’s Snare. Their struggles may seem to be momentarily successful, but they are only educating their opponent as to their strengths and weaknesses.

The concept of the corporation didn’t really take off until the Catholic church relaxed usury laws three centuries ago. Compound interest depends on exponential growth and humans have pretty much hit the wall in terms of what our environment will support. Any one of climate change or peak oil could undo the perception that we are all consumers living in a conglomeration of free markets. Those two have arrived pretty much simultaneous with a financial sector meltdown and we are entering a period where our society will wind down to the Earth’s solar maximum. A value system based on exponential growth will not survive a disproof by counter example, and Mother Nature responds to neither paper injunctions nor heartfelt supplications.

Some of those networked humans are starting to realize that they need not tear down the corporatocracy by hand and they are already thinking about how and what to preserve. What role does a hive mind play in this? What role can it play when electrical power is intermittent and the supply chains needed for electronic devices are interrupted?

Read full post, see all linked posts with graphics.