SmartPlanet: Smart Building Blocks, Smart Cities


A building system that can shrink the size of hospitals and schools

Holedeck, created by Spanish architects Alarcon + Asociados, offers an alternative. The system allows for all of the unsightly but vital elements of a busy building, from pipes to cables to ventilation ducts, to be incorporated within the floor structure itself. This means that space can be saved: according to the designers’ product website for Holedeck, between a foot to 20 inches can be saved per floor. That’s significant in terms of big buildings. Design site Dezeen analyzed that such calculations could mean that a structure that would normally require six stories could fit within the volume of a five story building if Holedeck were used.

Read full article with photo and video.

Vancouver mayor: Cities are ‘most entrepreneurial level of government’

Robertson described that Vancouver, the third-largest metropolitan area in Canada, is constrained by land between the North Shore Mountains, the Pacific Ocean and the U.S.-Canadian border. Thus, as the city grows exponentially, that requires some creative thinking about how to sustain that growth without wasting and running out of resources.

Read full article.

Greg Palast: Nine Ways the GOP Will Steal the 2012 Elections

Communities of Practice, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge
Greg Palast

Greg Palast on How the GOP Is Planning to Steal the 2012 Election


In all, 5,901,814 legitimate votes and voters were tossed out of the count in 2008. In '12 it will be worse. Way worse.

THE BOOK:  Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps

The ‘9 Easy Steps'

1 Purging is the use by partisan election officials of computer databases that identify voter characteristics (race, ethnicity, residence location, etc) to remove from registration rolls names of persons likely to be sympathetic to the “wrong” political party. Plausible pretexts for the removals are sometimes offered, but often not. Purging is what Katherine Harris did to tens of thousands of Florida voters in 2000, claiming the mostly black voters were felons when they were not.

Amazon Page

2 Caging is the mailing of do-not-forward, first-class letters to selected groups and using letters returned as ‘evidence' that voters' listed addresses are fraudulent. Partisan election officials can then strike the voters' names from registration rolls and/or throw out their mail-in ballots. This can happen en masse to military people serving overseas and voting absentee from their home addresses. Likewise to students away at school, and even to voters whose addresses on registration rolls contain fatal typos made, accidentally of course, by election data entry workers.

3 Spoiling is accomplished in a variety of ways. A famous one is to put punched-card voting setups in districts tending to the “wrong” party. Then disqualify all votes where the voter did not manage to punch the hole all the way through, as in the infamous “hanging chads” in Florida in 2000.

Continue reading “Greg Palast: Nine Ways the GOP Will Steal the 2012 Elections”

SmartNation: 3D Printing May Put Global Supply Chains Out of Business


3D printing may put global supply chains out of business: report

By Joe McKendrick | October 9, 2012, 7:06 PM PDT

Will 3D printing make global supply chains unnecessary? That’s a real possibility, states a recent report from Transport Intelligence.

3D printing (or “additive manufacturing,” as it’s called in industrial circles) takes offshore manufacturing and brings it back close to the consumer. It has enormous potential to shift the trade balance. Goods will be cheaper to reproduce within the domestic market, versus manufacturing and then shipping them from a distant low-wage country.

The report, authored by John Manners-Bell of Transport Intelligence and Ken Lyon of Virtual-Partners Ltd., points to the growing role of automation in production resulting from 3D printing:

Read full article with excellent summary of the report.

Penguin: Military Suicides in 2012 – 1 a Day Active, 18 a Day Veterans

Economics/True Cost
Who, Me?

Extreme Cognitive Dissonance or ECD?

Active Force

The Invisible Wounds of War: Number of Soldiers Committing Suicide Reaches Record High

U.S. military facing ‘epidemic' of suicides

U.S. military averaging a suicide a day in 2012

U.S. Army suicides reached record monthly high in July

U.S. Military Suicides in 2012: 155 Days, 154 Dead


18 Veteran a Day Commit Suicide,This is a National Tragedy

The National Tragedy of Military and Veterans Suicides (Update)

Anthony Swofford on the Epidemic of Military Suicides

U.S. must address suicides by military veterans

18 veterans commit suicide each day

See Also:

Military suicides: Defense officials spending $10 million to learn if fish oil can help

Marcus Aurelius: As Military Suicides Rise, DoD Focuses on Private Weapons

Michel Bauwens: Richard Heinberg on End of Economic Growth

Economics/True Cost
Michel Bauwens

YouTube (57:27)  The End of Economic Growth – Richard Heinberg in Australia

Click Above to Watch Video

Published on Oct 5, 2012 by

Journalist and author Richard Heinberg has dedicated his life to understanding the notion of ‘The End of Economic Growth', why it is upon us and how humanity should best prepare and recalibrate itself for life in world beyond peak oil. Richard gave this fascinating in-depth public lecture at the University of South Australia while promoting his book ‘The End of Growth' on September 25th, 2012. It was co-presented by Sustainable Population Australia and several other dedicated South Australian grassroots social and political action groups.

in this one hour presentation, Richard Heinberg explains the close link between the resource/environment and the social/economic components of the present disintegration. As a journalist with a keen understanding of science and maths he does it better, more comprehensively and more clearly than most others. While the conventional wisdom is that we must get ‘the economy' growing again, Heinberg shows that not only is this the wrong strategy, it is actually making the situation worse and more intractable.

Continue reading “Michel Bauwens: Richard Heinberg on End of Economic Growth”

Yoda: Linked Open Data Overview

Access, Advanced Cyber/IO
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Linked Open Data

Linked Open Data is a developing set of principles for publishing re-usable data sets that work at Internet scale. In this session we will explore the progress made by libraries, archives, and museums towards sharing descriptions of their resources as linked data. We will also review emerging digital humanities projects that are exploring linked data and consider the available opportunities for local digital humanities projects.

Richard Urban, Assistant Professor in the School of Library and Information Science, will lead our discussion. Richard has extensive experience researching large-scale cultural heritage aggregations and metadata. In January 2013, he will lead a week-long workshop on Linked Data at the Digital Humanities Winter Institute.

Suggested background resources for participants: