Michel Bauwens: Top 10 P2P Trends

P2P / Panarchy
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

Top 10 P2P Trends of 2015

Perhaps the main negative development in the field of p2p, and the commons, was the abandoning of the transformative change program by Syriza, which highlights the failure of the traditional Left to believe in its own promise for transition. This points to a strong need for a renewal of politics around a Commons Transition program. It is therefore particularly heartening to see the simultaneous creation this year of several local commons groups, such as Assemblies and Chambers of the Commons. There is much to rejoice in the list below. There is now a palette of p2p-based solutions that can be used by those that are serious about reconstructing our world with distributed infrastructures, shared resources and commons, and livelihoods around such engagements.

List Below the Fold

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George Por: How collective intelligence helps organizations move past hierarchical leadership structures

P2P / Panarchy
George Por
George Por

How collective intelligence helps organizations move past hierarchical leadership structures

Louis Rosenberg

This tendency toward “herding” is exacerbated by social media and other modern technologies. We euphemistically call it “trending” or “going viral” but often it’s just a random impulse gone astray, amplifying noise rather than harnessing intelligence. In fact, a brilliant study out of MIT, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and NYU shows that if you randomly assign the first vote in an up-voting system similar to Reddit, that single first opinion will influence the final result by 25 percent, even if thousands of votes follow. So, what would a decision-making process look like if there were no leaders and no followers, but a balanced structure that allowed the group to solve a problem together and find the optimal solution?  . . .   Referred to as Human Swarming, teams can be connected by specialized networking software that allow them to form closed-loop systems and tackle problems as a unified intelligence.

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Yoda: Indigenous Rights Victories in 2015

Culture, Governance, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience

yoda with light saberBats last, nature does.

Fifteen Indigenous Rights Victories In 2015

Good news. Sometimes, it comes in the form of a cancelled hydro dam that spares 20,000 people from the burden of displacement. Other times, it takes the shape of a simple court admission that Indigenous Peoples do actually make the best conservationists.

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Earth Intelligence Network — Draft Elevator Speech 2.0

#OSE Open Source Everything
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• The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are not achievable using the prevailing paradigm of donors, intermediaries, and industrial-era proprietary technologies and costs.
• The SDG goals can be achieved at a one-time cost per person of $500 if the United Nations (UN) will embrace Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) as the central method.
• OSEE includes nine major categories – four are known to the UN (Open Data, Open Decision-Support, Open Governance, Open Software), five are largely ignored and their potential not understood (Open Health, Open Infrastructure, Open Manufacturing, Open Provisioning, Open Space).
• An Open Source (Technologies) Agency funded at $2 billion a year by the USA, has been proposed to Vice President Joe Biden and pre-approved in principle by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) contingent on VP request or Secretary of Defense (SecDef) approval as part of the D3 Innovation Initiative (D3: defense, diplomacy, development).
• A direct inquiry from and engagement by the Secretary General in the very near term could yield an advance on SDG accomplishment unimagined by anyone else. All the Secretary General has to do is ask.

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Sabine Balve: World Leaders Forum Dubai

Education, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, Politics, Resilience, SmartPlanet, Sources (Info/Intel)
Sabine Balve
Sabine Balve

World Leaders Forum Dubai, Global Think and Do Tank, A Coalition of the Connected Ones…

World Leaders Forum Dubai is more then just a forum and global campaign, it is a call to greater citizenship, an international THINK and DO TANK, we have more then 100.000 follower and around 5.000 scientists and top experts in all global topic questions. Addressing Global Citizen to empower especially global's youth and women to create as CHANGE-MAKERS a more sustainable future for all – with a NEW GREEN Economic model: HUMAN to HUMAN (H2H) to promote a World in Peace!  WLFDubai regroups Teams, Partners and Sponsors worldwide, JOIN, you all matter to us! – some of our plans:

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