Eagle: 50 States File Secession Petitions

300 Million Talons…

UPDATE: White House ‘secede’ petitions reach 675,000 signatures, 50-state participation

States whose active petitions have not yet reached the 25,000 signature threshold include Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Read full article.

UPDATED:  Citizens From Over 30 States Submit Secession Petitions to White House

Louisiana, 28,880; Texas, 77,732; Florida, 22,181; Alabama, 20,549; North Carolina, 19,452; Kentucky, 12,719; Mississippi, 12,731; Indiana, 13,394; North Dakota, 8,812; Montana, 9,838; Colorado, 14,681; Oregon, 10,429; New Jersey, 9,988; New York, 11,326; South Carolina, 15,653; Arkansas, 14,948; Georgia, 21,206; Missouri 12,659; Tennessee, 19,875; Michigan, 13,370; Oklahoma, 11,580; Nevada, 6,371; Arizona, 12,451; Pennsylvania, 8,061; Delaware, 4,876; South Dakota, 2,014; Nebraska, 2,434; Kansas, 3,340; Alaska, 3,424; California, 6,181; Utah, 4,465; West Virginia, 2,257; Wyoming, 4,543.

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SchwartzReport: White House Petition for Louisiana Secession


Peacefully grant the State of Louisiana to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.

As the founding fathers of the United States of America made clear in the Declaration of Independence in 1776:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

“…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government…”

Created: Nov 07, 2012

SchwartzReport Commentary Below the Line:

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Reflections: Intelligence for the President Revisited

All Reflections & Story Boards, Economics/True Cost, Education, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience
Robert David STEELE Vivas
Click on Image for Bio Page



I am delighted to find some of my earlier work being looked at with new eyes.

Intelligence for the President–and Everyone Else: How Obama Can Create a Smart Nation and a Prosperous World at Peace (CounterpPunch, Week-End Edition,Feb 29 – Mar 02 2009)

Fixing the White House and National Intelligence  (International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 23/2 2010)

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Jackie Salit: Obama & The Independents — Comment by Robert Steele on Why Independents — and Paulistas and Greens — Remain Irrelevant

Jackie Salit

Obama and Independents: The Micro, the Macro and the Forest

by Jacqueline Salit

The Obama campaign team did everything right. That's the consensus among journalists, consultants, and the political class. I've watched some of them literally swoon over maps of the 50 states showing how the President's campaign surgically identified pockets of “blue voters”, marooned in “red territory” and drew them to the polls in sufficient numbers to carry a battleground state.

An impressive operation, surely, even if it reminds me–in a spooky way–of the satellite imaging that helps our military track terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Amazing technology and our obsession with data, fused with the time-tested political machinery of the political parties, has produced a slice-and-dice culture of campaigning where the “micro” rules and where the geeks are inheriting the earth. Or, at least they're helping the parties maintain control of it.

I am an Obama supporter–one of the independents who voted for him both times. (Our numbers dropped from about 20 million in 2008 to about 16 million in 2012.) I'm very glad he won re-election for many, many reasons. And the methodology of the “micro” surely enabled Obama's political victory. But I worry that the reductionism of micro-targeting–such as making sure that the 200 voting-age Latinos who moved to Broward County in Florida got the right mailer-obscures the political meaning of the macro. In the old days, we used to call this not being able to see the forest for the trees.

In this election, one forest that was missed was the 40 percent of Americans who disalign from the Democrats and Republicans and call themselves independents. Independent voters were an indispensable part of the Obama coalition in 2008. He carried 52 percent of independents nationwide–an 8-point margin over Republican John McCain. That post-partisan coalition provided both the numbers and the heart of the 2008 campaign.

Continue reading “Jackie Salit: Obama & The Independents — Comment by Robert Steele on Why Independents — and Paulistas and Greens — Remain Irrelevant”

Owl: Both Parties Died on 7 November 2012 — The Angry White Guy GOP *and* the Well-Intentioned Liberal Left — Gone, Gone, Gone

Who? Who?

None of my liberal friends who I sent this article have responded or commented on it. Perhaps they cannot be bothered, since they are rejoicing at Obama's win? Or could it be that Professor James Petras, who wrote it, and an outstanding scholar with many books and articles to his name, is puncturing their illusions of Obama, and it's too painful to acknowledge the truth?

This article effectively summarizes in one place Obama's near absolute and locked-step alignment to the American Police State, to Wall Street, to utter betrayal of his naive supporters, to the evaporation of the middle class. It blows up any illusions that the victorious second term president is really a “lesser evil”, that it makes any difference. He shows the distinction between lesser and greater evils is irrelevant when it comes to Obama and Romney. One could add to this what Mish Shedlock said in his blog: “If you keep voting for the lesser of two evils, then you will continually be presented with two evil choices!”

Democrats & Liberals: “They Placed the Re-Election of a Police-State Democrat Over and Above Their Putative Defense of Constitutional Rights”

Some highlights:

Continue reading “Owl: Both Parties Died on 7 November 2012 — The Angry White Guy GOP *and* the Well-Intentioned Liberal Left — Gone, Gone, Gone”

Penguin: Election Theater, 50 Companies “Own” All

Commerce, Corruption, Economics/True Cost, Government, Politics
Who, Me?

To set the stage, here is a quote from a top Reagan era economist.

“Paul Craig Roberts: “As readers know, I don’t think that either candidate is a good choice or that either offers a choice. Washington is controlled by powerful interest groups, not by elections. What the two parties fight over is not alternative political visions and different legislative agendas, but which party gets to be the whore for Wall Street, the military-security complex, Israel Lobby, agribusiness, and energy, mining, and timber interests.”

Now imagine a populist revolt that eliminates absentee owners and declares local to global debt jubilees, much as the IMF is (rather radically) considering in The Chicago Plan Revisted (August 2012), while the local, state, and federal government also agree on the Automated Payment Transaction Tax or the Tobin Tax (two different ideas that can be implemented separately or together).

No Conspiracy Theory — A Small Group of Companies Have Enormous Power Over the World

October 31, 2012  |

In October of 2011, New Scientist reported that a scientific study on the global financial system was undertaken by three complex systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. The conclusion of the study revealed what many theorists and observers have noted for years, decades, and indeed, even centuries: “An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.” As one of the researchers stated, “Reality is so complex, we must move away from dogma, whether it’s conspiracy theories or free-market… Our analysis is reality-based.” Using a database which listed 37 million companies and investors worldwide, the researchers studied all 43,060 trans-national corporations (TNCs), including the share ownerships linking them.[1~footnotes at the end of the article]

Read full AlterNet article and notes.

Continue reading “Penguin: Election Theater, 50 Companies “Own” All”

Tom Atlee: Political Dichotomies are Illusory

Cultural Intelligence, Politics
Tom Atlee

Dear friends,

In anticipation of challenges to my assertion that our political dichotomies – especially the liberal/conservative, blue-red divide – are illusions, I offer the following references:

1.  The “Purple USA” map – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_America

2.  My writeup of my first transpartisan experience – “A Personally Transformational Encounter of Left and Right”

3.  The story of the first pro-life and pro-choice activist dialogue done by the Public Conversations Project
http://co-intelligence.org/S-beyondabortiondebate.html in which participants were invited to confidentially discuss the “grey areas” where they weren't FULLY comfortable with the archetypal public position of their “side”, but with which they compromised in order to be politically effective.  What emerged was a full spectrum of different perspectives on abortion, not just two.

4.  The “Crossing the Line” diversity exercise –

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