Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Olga Sheean

Creating the world we want We have the potential to create a culture of conscious evolution, enlightened leadership, self-responsibility and bio-friendly tech/telecom/industry—a world in which we reclaim our autonomy, freedom and health by reconnecting with the nature of reality, human nature and the power of nature itself. We thereby activate our higher faculties, finding passion, …

Answers on OSINT for India 36: Where Should the Open Source Agency Reside within a National Security Structure?

Sir, You have agreed with BGen James Cox, RN CA, with respect to the need for a separate Open Source Agency equivalent to the separate agencies for signals, imagery, and human intelligence. Given the nature of this agency as a direct support element to decision-makers including the national legislature and domestic customers including governors and …

Martin Geddes: Real-Time Data and Monetization of Humans

Tip of the Hat to Zero Hedge for its post on real-time data but need to look deeper. Tightest OODA wins, all other things being equal. “Data” today fits the paradigm of disruptive innovation, which start small but often follows an S-curve of adoption and therefore influence and importance. The events of 2020 pushed “Data” …

Yoda: Wilderness Intercessors For Our Country

Like, does Yoda. Wilderness Intercessors For Our Country We are a group of Franciscan intercessors, who have returned to the first century roots of the church, living in the wilderness of New Mexico, whose lives are dedicated and offered to God to intercede for our country.

Joachim Hagopian: John Roberts and Mike Pence – Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate

This is chapter 44 in the  digital online series on Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and the Deep State, free online at https://pedoempire.org. and also in Kindles form (chapters) and print form (4 of 5 books published to date. The author is a graduate of West Point and a former US Army officer who earned …

Matt Ehret: Counter-gang von Hayek Revives Mandeville’s Hellfire Club in the 20th Century Part 3 of a Trilogy

Counter-gang von Hayek Revives Mandeville’s Hellfire Club in the 20th Century Part 3 of a Trilogy In Book 8 of The Republic, Plato’s protagonist Socrates observes astutely that “the ruin of oligarchy is the ruin of democracy. The same disease magnified and intensified by liberty overmasters democracy- the truth being that the excessive increase of anything often …

Ann Delap: Fall of the Cabal Sequel Videos with Text Summaries

SHORT URL: https://tinyurl.com/Cabal-Cosmic-2 General Overview The Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal documentary is as mind-blowing as the original!  It traces the origins of the Cabal/Illuminati to ancient times and reveals their identity.  It discusses their role in historical events throughout the ages and exposes their plan for world domination.  Fasten your seatbelts, and …