Robert Steele: After Great Reset Fails, Inclusive Capitalism Brings Us Feudalism 2.0 — Own Nothing, Lease Everything, Digital Cash, Social Credit, You are Nothing. UPDATE 1

Zero Hedge: Group Overseeing $10 Trillion, Called “Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism”, Signs Partnership With The Vatican ROBERT STEELE: This is a “who’s who” for the 1% and this is the most dangerous alliance to be created in modern time. It must be killed early and its individual “leaders” removed from public life forevermore. I noticed …

Charlie Ward: Blockchain Used, Trump Won Landslide, Arrests Looming

Charlie Ward: Hi guys. 0:16 Just to let you know I’ve been given consent this morning to tell you something that I’ve had to keep very very quiet because I signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement [NDA]… about this… 0:28 I can confirm 100% that the Blockchain Technology was used for the VOTING on this Election alongside …