Anthony Judge: Towards a Science of Misinformation and Deception

Cultural Intelligence

Towards a Science of Misinformation and Deception
the challenge of an information pandemic — a COVID-19 infodemic


Information theory and cognitive bias?
Game theory, hypergames and the role of deception
Naivety in acquisition of truth from accredited sources?
Identifying information specifically held to be misinformation
Misuse of information by authorities — as neglected “misinformation”?
Pandemic preoccupations eliciting questionable belief — however erroneous?
Checklist of pandemic concerns, whether framed as myths or lies
Requisite scientific compilation of pandemic preoccupations
Probability approaches to pandemic truth beyond binary fixation
Imagining the pandemic as a War of the Worlds
Strategic displacement of fearful global preoccupations?
Dynamics of the “holier than thou” narrative in practice

A Review of Dr. Michael Clarage’s ‘The Electrical Shaping of Biology’

Cultural Intelligence

A Review of Dr. Michael Clarage’s ‘The Electrical Shaping of Biology’

It has become commonplace within the world of reductionist biology to presume that all ponderable qualities of living matter (including the morphology, cell development, and purpose of both cells and individual members of species), are shaped entirely by DNA. If this were true, then it must be assumed that all the information contained in the outcome of every cell’s development were pre-determined from before birth leaving little room for freedom within the universe.

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The Steele Report – Weekly Questions Being Answered Today (7/31/21)

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BANKS & VAX     Which banks are the most/least likely to close your account (with your money in it) because you are not vaccinated?

BEN FULFORD     Are you still doing weekly videos with Ben Fulford? Could you explain how you came to trust his information? Thank you

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Ed Jewett: Zionists & Catholics Subverting USA – An Illegal Immigration Case Study

Corruption, Non-Governmental

Tip of the Hat to Gateway Pundit for another great look at how the Zionists (Red Mafiya never to be confused with Judaism) and Catholics are subverting the USA by enabling illegal immigration — this is part of the Marxist open borders, multiculturalism, anti-American agenda.

Delta, United Airlines Are Providing African Migrants Free Flights To The U.S.


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