The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today (Friday, Not Saturday)

Robert has a conflict and needs to be in DC Saturday. To allow for a relaxed full webinar, it will  take place today starting at noon Eastern time TODAY (Friday), for 90 Minutes and will be viewable in archive thereafter. Beginning next week, ONE question per person per week and NO questions on investments, personal …

Robert Steele: Reflections on Truthers — And Attempts to Diminish Them — My Email to Charlie Ward & Simon Parkes

I have watched in awe as the Deep State has combined financial influence with censorship tools pioneered by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to make every form of software including Microsoft Office subject to “hate speech” termination without regard to the Constitution, Title VII, or the Communications Decency Act that indemnifies platforms provided they do not …

Martin Geddes: Observation on US Military, “President Biden,” & The Final Triumph

You asked me to comment on the Joint Chiefs of Staff letter and the possibility that Biden might actually be inaugurated in some fashion.  This is what I have  to say about that: The “President Biden Show” is going to be laid on by the military. We really are watching a movie. Little is real, …