Robert Steele: Deep State Plan A (Impeachment), Plan B (Assassination), Plan C (Amendment 25) — A is down, C is active, B is more likely than ever before

As a case officer for the CIA I had five times the  regional recruiting and production average over the course of an extraordinary three back-to-back tours, one in a war zone. As a contractor analyst in Afghanistan in Fall 2013 I knew within 30 days of arrival that Karzai would never sign the Bilateral Security …

Yoda: Mr. President, You Are Being Lied to About Africa… Robert Steele: After the Elections: Fire Coats, Mattis, Sessions

controlled, is your information… Open Letter to President Donald Trump Now, It Is Urgent for You to Come to South Africa That future will be a bright one, if, and only if, we can free ourselves from the death-grip of the dying British Empire’s global monetarist system that enslaves our people as well as your …

Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book Indicts FBI In Detail]

Memorable Short URL: استخدم أداة الترجمة للقراءة باللغة العربية 使用翻译小部件阅读中文 Utiliser le widget de traduction Используйте виджет перевода Utilize widget de traducción Ceviri gerecini kullan FREE (both translatable full text and downloadable chapters & total PDF)

Yoda: Is Falon Gong Organ Harvesting a PSYOP Against China?

An Alert Reader offers the following thoughts. Sitting at my desk all day doing interpreting, I watched all the videos of ITNJ and I learned a lot.  Thanks to whoever posted them.  Phenomenal work and very impressive members and witnesses. I hit an enormous psychological roadblock on this following one, about organ transplants in China, …

Berto Jongman: Former Head of MI-6 Loses His Mind – “Good-bye James Bond, hello big data”

Goodbye James Bond, hello big data Former head of Britain’s MI6 recounts how intelligence gathering has changed deeply “Now, the most important person in any intelligence service is the data analyst, because it’s the data analyst who will tell you where the threats are coming from and where the opportunities are emerging that you as …