More Cyber Crimes, Attributed To Russia, Are Shown To Have Come From Elsewhere
Phi Beta Iota: Beginning in the 1980's with Robert Maxwell and PROMIS, Israel has been the top cyber predator and thief on the planet. No one else comes close.
The truth at any cost lowers all other costs — curated by former US spy Robert David Steele.
More Cyber Crimes, Attributed To Russia, Are Shown To Have Come From Elsewhere
Phi Beta Iota: Beginning in the 1980's with Robert Maxwell and PROMIS, Israel has been the top cyber predator and thief on the planet. No one else comes close.
Producer of ‘Hunger Games’ talks about Hollywood paedophiles and the global child abuse and trafficking network that I have been exposing since the 1990s
Infesting the Establishment Worldwide
See Also:
In my opinion if you consider the current emerging web 3.0 technologies as next gen. Then this is the generation after that. This is almost identical in functioning as
It uses BLE which is Bluetooth to transfer data. And is highly functional in a densely populated area. The range of BLE is about 400m if its BLE 5.
This scuttlebut is considered the ultimate in decentralized Peer to Peer (P2P) technologies. BLE is the best tech to create mesh networks. This is the type of app spies would use, you need to be physically near your conversation partner, at the same time the biggest plus and min.
In short: It is valuable to have them onboard but their use case is still microscopic small.
NOTE: Juan has given me permission to authorize in his name any foreign language translations at no cost, his only expectation is that the translation will be free online (while it can also be offered in digital or print form for a fee) and that a link to the free online version will be provided to me for a post here.
PDF (68 Pages): Das-Kind-am-Rand-der-Strasse_Magazin_EBook