Phil Giraldi: Should AIPAC Register as a Foreign Agent?

Should AIPAC Register as a Foreign Agent? Pro-Israel organization should not get a pass. AIPAC’s website declares that it is “America’s Pro-Israel Lobby,” so by its own admission it functions pretty clearly as Israel’s proxy. It spent $102 million in 2015, had 396 employees in 2013, and claims to have 100,000 members, many of whom …

#UNRIG Log RV 1 Day 2

At the meta level, Day 2 saw Bob Brady of Georgia donate $15,000 toward the wrap ($8,500) and travel expenses ($100 a day mostly gas).  God Bless Bob. Note the three books under his arm. #UNRIG is reaching out to David Stockman in particular, but the bottom line is that we must all demonstrate unity …