Yoda: Cultural History from a Nordic Source – Black Nobility Using Zionists?

Reading this worthy of. These comments to describe the perspective needed to both understand and communicate the above texts and loinks – due to the History behind the OCTOGON, founded in 1050 – when the old Gaius-family of Rome succeeded to tear down the Allied Forces of the Nordic Kingdoms and thus conquer ALL of …

Robert Steele: Core Building Block for Web 3.0 – SORA Decentralized Blockchain Ecology

I have started assembling the top twelve minds for the creation of Web 3.0. This was written by one of the twelve. The SORA Parliament Sora XOR Multi-body sortition allows for collusion- and censorship-resistant governance Unlike many other blockchain networks and societies that use token voting, SORA will utilize multi-body sortition in order to govern …

Penguin: CIA Cloud 2.0 — Right After Robert Steele Says Web 3.0 Will Be Cloud Free

CIA Awards Secret Multibillion-Dollar Cloud Contract The Central Intelligence Agency has awarded its long-awaited Commercial Cloud Enterprise, or C2E, contract to five companies—Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and IBM. Phi Beta Iota: This is amusing in part because Robert David Steele, in his preliminary announcements about Web 3.0, has been saying that it will …

Arno Reuser: Open Source Intelligence: We have big news!

Open Source Intelligence: We have big news! Dear customer, Mid-year, Reuser’s Information Services, specialised in the delivery of OSINT training and consultancy, joined forces with Triangular Group Academy (TGA). TGA is a training and knowledge institute in the field of safety and resilience. All TGA teachers and instructors have a background in intelligence services, special …

Stephen E. Arnold: Music Star Says Social Media a Mob Mentality – Robert Steele Says Just Another Form of Mind Control

Music Star Dubs Social Media As Mob Mentality I am not sure I knew about Taio Cruz before I read “Taio Cruz: Social Media Has a Mob Mentality.” Mr. Cruz is a musician. He knows about social media, or, at least, he knows more than I do. Plus he makes an interesting connection: “I think …