Stephen E. Arnold: Deep Fake News Videos Can Tip Election, Spark Violence …

Deep Fakes: A Tough Nut to Crack If you are in the media or intelligence business, you undoubtedly already know about the potential of deep fakes or “deepfake” videos. Clips that utilize AI technology to create realistic and completely fake videos using existing footage. The catch is that they are getting more and more convincing…and …

#UNRIG Phrase II Mission, Vision, Concept – Election Reform to Achieve Independence from the Deep State and the Two-Party Tyranny that Enables the Deep State NEW #UNRIG Global Logo

Phase II of #UNRIG has begun. In part because Cynthia McKinney could not leave her job in Bangladesh, in part because of a major Deep State/Zionist-led attack on #UNRIG (six ways, ninety days), our funding collapsed and I was forced to sell the RV yesterday mostly to avoid $10K in looming insurance, storage, and property …

Robert Steele: John Kasich and John Hickenlooper Considering a Two-Party Tyranny “Unity” TIcket in 2020

NeverTrump Republican Kasich Considering 2020 “Unity” Ticket With Dem Gov Establishment GOP publicly speculates about primary challenge Under the plan, both Kasich and Hickenlooper would leave their respective parties and run as independents with Kasich at the top of the ticket, according to sources who spoke with Axios; the sources cautioned the idea of a …