Rickard Falkvinge: Brasil Kills Internet Bill, Loses Way

Access, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency
Rickard Falkvinge

Brazil Squanders Chance At Geopolitical Influence; Kills Internet Rights Bill In Political Fiasco

Infopolicy: Yesterday, the Brazilian parliament effectively killed the much-heralded Internet Bill of Rights, the Marco Civil, that had been praised by entrepreneurs and free-speech activists worldwide. This follows a ridiculous watering-down and dumbing-down of the bill, at the request of obsolete industry lobbies. Having been permanently shelved, this means that Brazil has practically killed its chance of leapfrogging other nations’ economies – BRICS is now just RICS.

The Internet Rights bill in Brazil, the Marco Civil, was a marvel. It would have enabled Brazil to leapfrog most other economies today, skipping a whole generation of industries.

The Marco Civil would have established that;

  • Internet access is a precondition for exercising citizenship;
  • As such, nobody may be cut off from the Internet for any other reason than failure to pay the connection fees;
  • The messenger immunity was almost absolute – nobody had any kind of accountability for carrying messages for a third party unless explicitly told so by a judge on a case-by-case basis;
  • Net neutrality was written into law;
  • All Internet regulation had to be based on preserving openness, participatory culture, and the open entrepreneurship that the Net brings;
  • Privacy applies online and must not be violated;
  • and much more.

Really, it was that good. Read it for yourself (in English).

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SmartPlanet: Solar and Wind Energy Challenge Funding of Fossil Fuel


Solar group to World Bank: Give us gas and oil’s $12B, and we’ll cool planet

Siemens: 880m euros’ worth of wind power orders since July

Phi Beta Iota:  The current approach to solar and wind is mis-directed toward the traditional centralized capture and downstream distribution.  Those costs are waste.  Micro-girds, neighborhoods combining solar, wind, biogas, ambient, and all other forms of non-fossil fuel energy — including human bicycle power — is the lowest cost, smallest footprint, most sustainable approach to powering humanity.

SchwartzReport: Treason within USA Elections — From Nixon Killing 20,000 in Viet-Nam to Florida and Ohio to Karl Rove’s Nine Ways and Twelve Amigos

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

Why Anonymous’ Claims about Election-Rigging Can’t Be Ignored

As laid out in the previous article, Anonymous, Karl Rove and the 2012 Election Fix?, it’s possible that Karl Rove used SmartTECH’s servers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to flip the vote totals in Ohio in 2004 and thus steal the election that year for George W. Bush – and just as possible that he tried to do the same thing this year on Romney’s behalf but was thwarted by the hacktivist group Anonymous.

Many people have responded to these claims with a variation on: “That’s impossible. A presidential candidate committing treason?  That would never happen, and, if it did, it would be front-page news.  Everybody would know about it, right?”


Consider some simple history.

Read full article.

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: Treason within USA Elections — From Nixon Killing 20,000 in Viet-Nam to Florida and Ohio to Karl Rove's Nine Ways and Twelve Amigos”

NIGHTWATCH: Analytic Overview of Eight Day Gaza Scuffle

Government, IO Deeds of War, Military
Click on Image to Enlarge

Phi Beta Iota:  NIGHTWATCH is the gold standard for political-military analytics.  We doubt anyone now serving at CIA or DIA could have drafted this in one sitting without references.  Here is the key finding brought forward:

This eight-day war is, thus, a turning point because Hamas, like Hezbollah in Lebanon, has proven it can strike at the heart of Israel and still live to tell the tale. This is a breakthrough tactical development. From now on, Israel is on the defensive and the threat will get worse unless a secular revolution occurs in Iran.

Israel-Gaza Strip: The exchanges of attacks have stopped during this Watch. Hamas posted the terms of the ceasefire agreement.

-Israel will cease all its activities against the Gaza Strip in the sea, land and air, including the incursions and assassinations.

-The Palestinian organizations will cease their activity from Gaza against Israel, including the rocket fire and border attacks.

-The border crossings to Gaza will be opened, facilitating the movement of people and transfer of goods. This move will take effect after a 24-hour cooling-off period.

-Additional issues will be negotiated if necessary.

Comment:  This is not the durable peace that US officials say is the objective.  It also probably is not enforceable by Hamas authorities because they do not control smaller splinter groups that probably will not consider themselves bound. The ceasefire will last becasue the principal parties say so, but Readers should expect violations. Both sides will use the respite to rest and rearm. There will be more fighting, but not for a few weeks.

Special Comment: So what just happened? After eight days of rocket and air attacks, both sides can declare victory of a sort. That is not a good outcome for Israel. The situation is much more complicated and ominous than in many decades.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: Analytic Overview of Eight Day Gaza Scuffle”

Search: serious game citizen intelligence


Three complementary threads — citizen participation, harnessing distributed citizen intelligence, and connecting all citizens with all information in all languages all the time.

Graphic: 24/7 Participatory Budget-Policy

Graphic: Citizen-Centered Intelligence I

Graphic: Citizen-Centered Intelligence II (Warning)

Graphic: Six Circles–Earth Intelligence Network Operational Concept

2007: Earth Intelligence Network Concept

See Also:

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