Yoda: Ethiopian kids hack OLPCs in 5 months with zero instruction

04 Education, Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Deeds of Peace
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

With them, Force is.

Ethiopian kids hack OLPCs in 5 months with zero instruction

What happens if you give a thousand Motorola Zoom tablet PCs to Ethiopian kids who have never even seen a printed word? Within five months, they'll start teaching themselves English while circumventing the security on your OS to customize settings and activate disabled hardware. Whoa.

The One Laptop Per Child project started as a way of delivering technology and resources to schools in countries with little or no education infrastructure, using inexpensive computers to improve traditional curricula. What the OLPC Project has realized over the last five or six years, though, is that teaching kids stuff is really not that valuable. Yes, knowing all your state capitols how to spell “neighborhood” properly and whatnot isn't a bad thing, but memorizing facts and procedures isn't going to inspire kids to go out and learn by teaching themselves, which is the key to a good education. Instead, OLPC is trying to figure out a way to teach kids to learn, which is what this experiment is all about.

Rather than give out laptops (they're actually Motorola Zoom tablets plus solar chargers running custom software) to kids in schools with teachers, the OLPC Project decided to try something completely different: it delivered some boxes of tablets to two villages in Ethiopia, taped shut, with no instructions whatsoever. Just like, “hey kids, here's this box, you can open it if you want, see ya!”

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Dolphin: Obama’s Katrina On Top Of Obama’s Dead Ambassador?


The contrast between Obama's platitudes and his being in Las Vegas, and the 3 million out of power, gas, heat, food, and water is stark.  Benghazi is not quite a Tehran Embassy take-over, but in today's climate, with an apparent cover-up underway, it's close.

Exasperation builds on Day 3 in storm-stricken NYC

NEW YORK (AP) — Frustration — and in some cases fear — mounted in New York City on Thursday, three days after Superstorm Sandy. Traffic backed up for miles at bridges, large crowds waited impatiently for buses into Manhattan, and tempers flared in gas lines.

Read rest of article.

Obama's Katrina

Gas lines that extend for hours.   .   Dumpster diving.   .   People starving — in New York City.   .   Sean Hannity pegged it exactly.   .   Two words: Obama's Katrina.

Phi Beta Iota:  Completely apart from the heavy investment the Republicans have made in assuring their ability to control how the centralized electronic votes are counted, especially in the swing states, Obama has taken a one-two punch: Benghazi is clearly a cover-up at this time, most likely of political leadership failure with respect to sending reinforcements and air cover, on top of Department of State insouciance about Benghazi security; and there are 3 million pissed off mostly white people who are cold, thirsty, hungry, and immobile.  Early voting is not going well for Obama.  The Republicans are not only poised to beef up the House and possibly take the Senate, but Romney is looking like a comfortable win.  Karl Rove and his Perot-like small white boards appears to be the tip of an extremely expensive, extremely well-organized coup.  Obama has lost his base and in our collective view, also lost his face.


Eagle: 10 Other Things on the Ballot in US Election

11 Society
300 Million Talons…

US election: 10 other things on the ballot

When Americans go to the polls on Tuesday, they will not just be choosing a president and members of Congress – there are 174 extra questions on the ballot in 38 states. And some go to the very heart of key issues in American society.

By Cordelia Hebblethwaite

BBC News, Washington D, 1 November 2012

Read full article (photo and text for each item).


01  Marijuana
02  Gay marriage
03  Genetically modified foods
04  Death penalty
05  Abortion
06  Floride
07  Renewables
08  Assisted suicide
09  Bridge to Canada
10  Casinos

Yoda: Education Will Be Free For All Within Ten Years

04 Education, Advanced Cyber/IO, Ethics
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Free, Force Is.  Free, Education Should Be.

Information wants to be free, but does education?

By Dominic Basulto

Washington Post, 31 October 2012


It all seems doable enough that Stanford president John Hennessy came out this year and said that it's not a matter of if, but when, online higher education becomes free.

And he’s not alone. The Post’s own Vivek Wadhwa recently predicted that all online education would be totally free within 10 years — and that includes an education from the same elite institutions who have joined Coursera. For a really mind-blowing scenario of how it all unfolds check out the EPIC 2020 video — it lays out a realistic route for free online education by the year 2020.

Continue reading “Yoda: Education Will Be Free For All Within Ten Years”

Mini-Me: WIll De-Classified Watergate Archives Document CIA Orders to Murder US Citizens Including Jack Anderson, and CIA Break-Ins Within the USA?

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government
Who? Mini-Me?


Judge Orders DOJ to Justify Secrecy of Watergate-era Wiretaps

The BLT Blog of Legal Times, November 02, 2012

A federal judge in Washington today ordered the U.S. Justice Department to justify the continued need for secrecy over certain Watergate-era wiretap and grand jury records that remain sealed in a high-profile criminal prosecution.

Chief Judge Royce Lamberth of U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia told the government to send him copies of documents placed under seal in the criminal case against G. Gordon Liddy, charged in connection with the burglary at the Watergate Hotel in Washington. The sealed records include grand jury information and “documents reflecting the content of illegally obtained wiretaps.”

Government lawyers oppose the public disclosure of any papers about illegally obtained wiretaps tied to the Watergate scandal. The Justice Department this summer, in response to a demand for those records, argued there's no First Amendment or public right of access to illegally obtained wiretaps. Historical or scholarly interest, the government said, doesn't justify discretionary disclosure.

DOJ lawyers said in their brief to Lamberth that “we are unaware of any court that has unsealed previously undisclosed illegal wiretap content for reasons for historical interest.”

Lamberth's ruling today was issued in a case in which a historian of the presidency of Richard Nixon requested access to court documents that were sealed in the Liddy case in Washington's federal trial court. Liddy was convicted in 1973 on charges that included burglary and conspiracy rooted in the Watergate Hotel break-in.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: WIll De-Classified Watergate Archives Document CIA Orders to Murder US Citizens Including Jack Anderson, and CIA Break-Ins Within the USA?”

Yoda: 100 Terabits Per Second with Coiled Beams of Light

Got Crowd? BE the Force!


Coiled Beams Of Light Send 100 Terabits Per Second Through The Air

Engineers could use the technology to produce the fastest Internet ever.

By twisting light beams, engineers could produce the fastest Internet ever. Today, for the speediest broadband, fiber-optic cables transmit information in pulses of light. Since the early 2000s, physicists have been working to make data travel even faster by bouncing light off a liquid crystal to twist it. Several coiled beams can nest within one another and move through the same space at the same time.

Read full article with two illustrations.

See Also:

George Olah CO2 to Renewable Methanol Plant, Reykjanes, Iceland

Tip of the Hat to Mark Thompson at Google+.

Yoda: Education versus Learning

04 Education
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Learn, you must.

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Collective Intelligence: The Mating of Ideas | Collective Intelligence | Big Think

In the video, Ridley uses the example of a pencilto demonstrate how no single individual alone knows how to manufacture one, and that is why our progress is dependent upon collective intelligence.  Watch Ridley and other experts on collective intelligence in the video here.