Chuck Spinney: Syria, Rebels, Complexity and Foreign (Uninformed) Meddling….Hark Back to Viet-Nam, Central America, Afghanistan….

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities
Chuck Spinney

According the attached report in the 3 October issue of the New York Times, defections from Assad's army to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have slowed to a trickle. No major units have defected. The FSA has resulted to trickery and coercion to gain recruits, including drugging and kidnapping.

Moreover, rebel tactics, like suicide bombing and murdering captured soldiers, are beginning to alienate the people.

Also, there is no evidence that rebel forces have materially weakened Assad's army. The Syrian army has changed tactics to rely more on artillery and bombing to strike from a distance and thus preserve its own forces.

All good info, but then the report concludes with at curious statement that the Syrian civil war as transformed from a struggle against a dictator into sectarian war that is being stoked by foreign meddling. This is a very superficial and, I believe, misleading conclusion. It smacks of apologia. The Syrian civil war has always been far more complex than that portrayed by the mainstream media like the NYT. Secular, Jihadi, and foreign influence have been part of this war from the git go. Almost all of the rebel forces are Sunnis, for example. The other ethnic groups have not joined the revolt. Readers interested in a more balanced and nuanced view of this incredibly complex civil war should read the report Syrian Jihadism attached here in pdf format.

By KAREEM FAHIM and HWAIDA SAAD, New York Times, 3 October 2012

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Berto Jongman: Two Weak Signals on Infectious Disease

02 Infectious Disease
Berto Jongman

New fatal disease, and new contamination within US laboratory.

Arabian Coronavirus: Plot Thickens But Virus Lies Low


“It is likely that the patient's infection was acquired in Qatar, as he was in Qatar for the 16 days prior to the onset of his most recent respiratory illness in September,” write researchers from the U.K.'s Health Protection Agency and co-workers.

The man remains on life support in a London hospital after he got infected last month by the previously unknown coronavirus. He can't breathe on his own, so requires treatment called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, basically an artificial lung. He has also suffered kidney failure.

Read full article.

Rare Fungal Meningitis Outbreak Spreads To Six States


It's a troubling story authorities think will unfold over the next month or so. An untold number of Americans who got steroid injections in their spine to relieve back pain may end up with a rare fungal meningitis. The drug was contaminated with the spores of a common leaf mold — nobody knows how.

So far, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recorded 35 cases of the fungal meningitis in six states: Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Maryland and Indiana. Five patients have died.

. . . . . . .

The contaminated drug came from New England Compounding Center, a company based in Framingham, Mass., that abruptly suspended operations this week, took its main website offline and stopped answering phone calls.

Read full article.

Yoda: Recording the Future – Repeat Itself, Foolishness Does…

Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Repeat itself, foolishness does.

Predicting the future through online data mining

Recorded Future predicts when and where a demonstration will occur after mining from the web all the related activities.


As it turns out, the software company Recorded Future (which has recently been praised by Wired, the MIT Technology Review and other media outlets, after the CIA and Google invested millions in their services) seems to be offering its clients something similar: a world where emergencies, that is, future events, can be calculated in advance. But how does this start-up actually function, and why are the German philosopher’s concerns relevant to its services?

Read rest of article.


Detecting Emergent Conflicts through Web Mining and Visualization (PDF)

Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman.

Continue reading “Yoda: Recording the Future – Repeat Itself, Foolishness Does…”

John Steiner: Bottom-Up Distributed Resilient / Sustainable Communities

John Steiner

Email Extract:

The movement is stronger than ever – and hundreds of these sites are now over 20 years old, and are the primary shapers of local/regional policy. Hope you are well. Left you a VM re convergence last eve.

• A distributed non-centralized movement of thousands of “healthy / livable / sustainable community” initiatives are thriving around the nation that are applying trans-partisan, trans-sector, trans-issue, trans-jurisdictional, and trans-generational strategies — to increase equitable prosperity and improve the health of people and places. connects over 4,500 of these place-based efforts, and provides them with data sources, GIS mapping, storytelling and mobilization tools.

Then…the ‘new creation’ language could be right – and it’s already happening. So in my speech in Washington DC yesterday to United Ways from around the nation – I was talking more about getting to scale, visibility and impact — more than starting something new. Folks working on the ground without the fanfare of the big names, and marquis orgs are maxed. So we are finding better framing around reaching ‘collective impact’ via lifting up and leveraging the goodness underway now — a movement of citizens applying trans-partisan practices and exhibit such qualities.

See Also:

Graphic: Integrity versus Corruption in Feedback Loops Over Three Eras

World Index of Social and Environmental Responsibility (WISER)

Tom Atlee, Empowering Public Wisdom: A Practical Vision of Citizen-Led Politics (North Atlantic Editions, 2012)

Robert Steele, THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust (North Atlantic Editions, 2012)

Mark Tovey (ed.), COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Pleace (Earth Intelligence Network, 2008)

Marcus Aurelius: C/JCS Asks SecDef to Forgive General Who Spent Lavishly as Commander of African Command – Starting Point for Reflection

Ethics, Military
Marcus Aurelius

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff apparently figures former AFRICOM commander should get a walk after DoD IG publishes damning report on him.  Read report, too large to e-mail, at link below and form your own conclusions. Strange because MG Ward is not a West Pointer.  Of course, case against toxic leader LTG Patrick O'Reilly, who ((IS)) a West Pointer, remains hanging.  Site points to other senior leader misconduct, some of which has been touched on by mainstream media. What image(s) is/are being presented to the American people and the world?)

Don't Demote General, Top Officer Urges

By Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press

Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, October 5, 2012

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Search: integrity [as of 5 Oct 2012]


Sorry for the failure to get to the core pieces.  Part of the challenge is that “integrity” is a recurring theme — this web site, by definition, is replete with integrity in every posting, every link, every intent.  This search overview does not include ethics, legitimacy, or truth, three other core terms and concepts that permeate this site and all contributions to this site.  It also does not include cybernetic, design, holistic, and whole systems aspects of integrity unless integrity is in the headline.

Continue reading “Search: integrity [as of 5 Oct 2012]”

Paul Craig Roberts: A Skeptical Look at Claimed Gains in Employment

03 Economy, Economics/True Cost
Paul Craig Roberts

October 5. Today’s employment report fOrom the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows 114,000 new jobs in September and a drop in the rate of unemployment from 8.1% to 7.8%. As 114,000 new jobs are not sufficient to stay even with population growth, the drop in the unemployment rate is the result of not counting discouraged workers who are defined away as “not in the labor force.”

According to the BLS, “In September, 2.5 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force.” These individuals “wanted and were available for work,” but “they were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey.”

In other words, 2.5 million unemployed Americans were not counted as unemployed.

The stock market rose on the phony good news. Bloomberg’s headline: “U.S. Stocks Rise as Unemployment Rate Unexpectedly Drops,”

Continue reading “Paul Craig Roberts: A Skeptical Look at Claimed Gains in Employment”