Robert Steele: How NOT To Display a Threat UPDATE: False Numbers

Below is a truly idiotic alleged White House “dashboard” on the corona virus.  See it live at This is the kind of thing people create who have zero understanding of holistic analytics or true cost economics. A proper Presidential dashboard would allow the visualization of this annoying fake pandemic in relation to all other …

Robert Steele: Memo for POTUS – The Resurrection of the USA – Your Legacy, 200 Years, Must Be Systemic

SHORT URL THIS POST: All indicators (“proofs”) suggest that Donald J. Trump is on track to implement NESARA / GESARA and restore a Constitutional Republic. This publication, dedicated to President Donald J. Trump, is primarily an orientation for the public on key issues that are probably already planned for by the President, but just …

Robert Steele: Holistic Appraisal of Health Solution for Virus

Alert Reader sends the following.  Comment at end. You are a true hero and it is an honor and privilege to connect with you regarding OTC Argyrol Anti-Infective Stabilized Solution for Antiseptic use to Mucous Membranes, truly a lost art of U.S. Military respiratory hygiene prophylaxis. Argyrol was the gold standard in medicine the first …

Robert Steele: UK Government Lies Again — Same People Behind Trump Dossier and Imperial College Fake Pandemic Now Deny 5G – Conoravirus Connection

5G coronavirus conspiracy theory is dangerous fake nonsense, UK says ROBERT STEELE: Minister Michael Gove of the UK is deceiving the public — he is either stupid or — more likely — has been fully briefed and is a flat out liar. 5G at a minimum lowers human immunity and makes it more likely that …