SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 15 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Latin American strategy on drugs 09/10/09 AA: Militarizing Latin America 09/15/09 AR: Poor man’s cocaine ravages Argentine slums – Feature 09/13/09 AR: Argentine president intends to abolish crime of libel 09/12/09 BO: Bolivia president has satellite ambitions-UN agency 09/14/09 BO: US fears spread of Islam to … Bolivia 09/10/09 BR: Brazil Jet …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 14 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Al-Qaida: Tales from Bin Laden’s volunteers 09/10/09 AA: Lessons of Failed States: Rebuilding Sierra Leone and Liberia 09/12/09 CD: UN mission in DR Congo denies Ntanganda’s role in military operation 09/10/09 DZ: Algeria destroys 6000 French landmines 09/14/09 GH: Ghana protests bashing by Nigerian officials 09/09/09 GN: Tens of thousands rally to …


This is the primary point of access to Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog (over 80 contributors curated by Robert Steele) and the Journal (in gestation). Our present daily practice is to load between five and ten items a day, and to send to each subscriber (no cost) an end of day email listing …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 10 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Gulf states grapple with jihadist threat 09/09/09 AA:  Terrorists Shift Focus to Hotels and ‘Soft’ Targets, Study Says 09/08/09 AA: Resolving the displaced Palestinians problem 09/10/09 AF:  The Reporter’s Account: 4 Days With the Taliban 09/09/09 BH:  NSA official to testify in terror trial 09/10/09 EG: Egyptians irked by ‘Ramadan Eating’ arrests …

Reference: Citizens Rule Book

America has been dumbed down with deliberation, not only in the schools, but in the legal system.  Citizens have a right to not only find anyone not guilty REGARDLESS OF THE “LAW” but also to overturn the law itself in the face of the common sense of the jury.

EUCOM Week in Review Ending 9 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Central banks of Belarus and Lithuania sign cooperation agreement 09/07/09 AA: Ex-Siemens Manager’s Extradition to Greece Blocked 09/04/09 AA: France takes over Nato post 09/09/09 AA: Georgian journalist requests asylum in South Ossetia 09/04/09 GE: Georgia to free jailed Turkish sea captain: official 09/08/09 IL: Israel must live up to its commitment …