Editor Jason “JZ” Liszkiewicz

Jason Liszkiewicz was based in New York City (2013) but has recently moved to China. He has served as the Executive Director of Earth Intelligence Network, the non-profit parent of Phi Beta Iota. Click on the photograph to learn more about him.

EUCOM Week in Review ending 22 July 2009

Hot Topics AZ:  Azerbaijan-Russia gas deal mainly attributable to Russias defense 07/17/09 BA:  Bosnians Got What They Voted For 07/20/09 BG:  Court action against Bulgarian military for gender discrimination 07/19/09 DE:  France, Germany vie to sell Pakistan subs 07/22/09 IL:  In Possible Iran Signal, Israeli Boats Cross Suez 07/21/09 IL:  Mossad and Military Intelligence engaged …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 20 July 2009

Hot Topics BW: Nationality for sale 07/18/09 CG: Congo-Kinshasa: An Action Plan to End the Worlds Deadliest War 07/16/09 ER: The Existential Threat to the Nation 07/19/09 KE: War is Boring: Kenya Allegedly Funneling Arms to Volatile South Sudan 07/15/09 LR: Charles Taylor: Preacher, Warlord, President 07/17/09 NG: Jihadis Identify US Plots against China in …