Stephen E. Arnold: The Weaponization of Social Media — #GoogleGestapo

Quote to Note: Experts from UK Take a Look at US Social Media I read “Silicon Valley’s ‘Belated and Uncoordinated’ Efforts at Dealing with Russian Fake News Revealed.” The report was created by experts in the UK and leaded to the Washington Post. Here’s a quote which suggests the principal finding: “Social media have gone …

Mongoose: Legacy of George H. W. Bush

Political Succession and “The Bush-Clinton Nexus”: Permanent Criminal State. The Legacy of George Herbert Walker Bush The atrocities and crimes of the Bush family, headed by George Herbert Walker Bush, are unspeakable and unimaginable in depravity and scale. Decades of war, war crimes, and treason. Global narcotics trafficking, money laundering, fraud and financial looting. Mass …

Mongoose: Cities Fighting 5G – 5G Is a Weapons System

Cities and Residents Are Rejecting the Federal Government’s Roll Out of 5G Citizen advocate, Gary Gileno, picked up our feature from last week about three cities in Marin County, California, that rejected the federal 5G roll out. He says that the cities passed ordinances, which carry the force of the law, instead of resolutions that …

Koko: Solar Fuel?

Scientists are trying to bottle solar energy and turn it into liquid fuel “A solar thermal fuel is like a rechargeable battery, but instead of electricity you put sunlight in and get heat out.” Scientists have spent decades looking for a way do just that, and now researchers in Sweden are reporting significant progress. They’ve …

Mike Adams: Article and Stunning Video on Democrats as the Party of Mass Mental Illness – the Answer? #WalkAway Plus #UNRIG

Stunning video: See why Democrats are now the party of mass mental illness “Unhinged” doesn’t even begin to describe the lunatic behavior of left-wing activists. One left-wing professor named Christine Fair recently said that conservative (GOP) senators should be murdered, have their genitals cut off, and then their genitals should be fed to pigs. Mental …

Yoda: $1B to Fence 30% of the Earth — Wyss Campaign for Nature Has It All Wrong

Fence Earth, kill people? RELEASE: Wyss Foundation Launches $1 Billion Campaign to Help Conserve 30% of the Planet by 2030 The goal of the effort, called the Wyss Campaign for Nature, is to help nations conserve 30 percent of the planet in a natural state by the year 2030 by creating and expanding protected areas, …

Robert Steele: President Trump’s Emergent Dementia – Ketone Ester Could Put Him Back on Top

My interview with Angie & Jim Blake of Victurus Libertas is the first time I have mentioned my concern that President Donald Trump might be suffering early signs of dementia (which means nothing more than a loss of some degree of mental agility), and it brought out all the trolls. The facts are clear.  The President, …