David Lifschultz: The Deep State Trump Ouster

Corruption, Government

Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899

It is quite interesting to see these unanimous Supreme Court decisions on controversial areas such as the green card decision and Tribal Police and Immigrant decisions lately. It indicates that the corrupt Supreme Court is scared of its status over their ignoring the fixing of the Trump and Congressional elections. The Court has agreed among themselves to try to regain its myth of independence from the deep state by issuing unanimous decisions in controversial cases that favour conservatives.

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Edwin Jewett: “Secure” Messaging App Used by Criminals Operated by FBI

Cultural Intelligence

“Secure” Messaging App Used by Criminals Operated by FBI
Criminal gangs divulged plans for moving drug shipments and killings on a secure messaging system secretly run by the FBI, law enforcement agencies said Tuesday, as they unveiled a global sting operation they said dealt an “unprecedented blow” to organized crime around the world.

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Matthew Ehret: Leibniz Discourse on Metaphysics- An introduction

Cultural Intelligence

Leibniz Discourse on Metaphysics- An introduction
In this first of a series of readings of the Discourses on Metaphysics (1686), we are introduced to the deeper philosophical and scientific ideas of the polymath genius Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716).

This reading will cover the essential concepts of the nature of the Creator and creation of which we as self-conscious reasoners are integral components possessing both “subjective” as well as “objective” characteristics. Leibniz’s essential principles of reasoning are laid down in these first 12 of 36 sections of his famous essay- including how the mind can conceptualize the most reasonable idea of a Creator which must be both maximally good, reasonable and perfectible rather than simply all powerful as his enemies among the British Royal Society maintain.

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Edwin Jewett: China Notes That the Same Journalist Pushing Wuhan Lab Hoax Pushed Iraq WMD Hoax

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

China Notes That the Same Journalist Pushing Wuhan Lab Hoax Pushed Iraq WMD Hoax
China is inching dangerously close to dangerous anti-Semitism.

Gordon is supposedly not Jewish, but he co-wrote the New York Times pieces with the Jew Judith Miller.

Furthermore, I wouldn’t personally point to Gordon as the source for the “Wuhan Lab Leak Hypothesis” – I would point to the Jewish neocon Josh Rogin

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