Martin Armstrong: Fauci – Calls for Resignation Rising

Corruption, Government

Fauci – Calls for Resignation Rising

The calls for Fauci to resign are growing louder. Fauci is a disgrace. He has admitted funding Wuhan with $600,000 for research into Bat Viruses which I reported over a year ago. His denials of that up to now and his constantly changing positions on COVID are an international disgrace. Babylon Bee did a piece with Fauci debating 17 versions of himself. Fauci previously admitting just making up what percent of the population needed to vaccinated to reach herd immunity. He admitted to the NY Times he kept changing the number.

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Matthew Ehret: The New Eugenics: Transhumanism and the Myth of the 4th Industrial Revolution

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

The New Eugenics: Transhumanism and the Myth of the 4th Industrial Revolution

The ‘re-organization' of the world's societies, cultures, economies and politics seem to be occurring at a rapidly intensifying pace.

International bodies controlled by technocrats all seem to be telling us, and the governments of the world, ‘how it's going to be', and why it is ‘all for our own good'. A relatively small group of individuals are actually redefining what healthy means, how we should think about money, food, technology, ideologies, the weather, and even each other. These people have formed a technocratic infrastructure with a reach and a wrongheadedness that boggles the mind, and when the implications of their policies are realized, it terrorizes the heart.
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Caitlin Johnstone: Mainstream Politics Offer Pretend Revolutions To A Discontented Public

Corruption, Government

Mainstream Politics Offer Pretend Revolutions To A Discontented Public

In 2008 the American public was fed up with the disastrous status quo politics of George W Bush, so they came together and elected a progressive candidate who campaigned on hope and change to replace him.

But no progress happened; the hope and change never came. Barack Obama continued and expanded all of his predecessor’s most depraved policies at home and abroad, and it wasn’t long before the initial elation wore off and the illusion that things were looking up evaporated. It was as if Bush had never left office.

Worn out and disgusted by crushing neoliberal policies at home and murderous neoconservative policies abroad, Americans elected a political neophyte who ran on a populist platform which criticized both Bush and Obama. Trump promised to “drain the swamp”, end the wars, and fight the establishment in the interests of ordinary people. This time for sure there would be change.

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Stephen E Arnold: An Amusing Analysis of Palantir Technologies

IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

An Amusing Analysis of Palantir Technologies

I find analyses of intelware/policeware companies fascinating. “Palantir DD If You Want to Understand Company and Its History Better” is based on research conducted since November 2020. The write up asserts that Palantir is three “companies”: The government software (what I call intelware/policeware), the adding sales professionals facet of the business, and “their actual like full AI for weaponization and war and defense for the government.”

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