Chuck Spinney: Event 14 November, Screening of Who Killed LT Van Dorn?

I am pleased to announce the Washington premier of an important investigative documentary film. “Who Killed Lt. Van Dorn,” will premier on November 14 at 7 PM in Landmark’s E Street Cinema, located at 555 11th Street NW, Washington DC  Attached FYI is the official flyer by the sponsors of this premier. This superb documentary …

Jean James: Broken and Corrupt Police Forces in Collusion with Broken and Corrupt Judges, Lawyers, and Accounting Firms – A UK Case Study

British born Canadian, Jean James, is a visual artist, writer, and researcher, with a particular interest in organised crime and public sector corruption. Since her family was defrauded in 2007 by criminals using the British Court of Protection as a tool, she discovered the racketeering that targets the elderly and vulnerable in the UK. Her …

Robert Steele: Synagogue False Flag — Baloney — FEMA Legalized Lies UPDATE 17: Synagogue Business as Usual…No Bio-Hazards?

SHORT URL: UPDATE 17: Synagogue opens quickly for business as usual, no problem with the alleged bio-hazards that would have kept it closed for a week to ten days. Note also two competing cover stories, one from New York one from Pittsburgh, of two different groups claiming to be responsible for the ritual cleaning.

ZeroHedge: Robert Higgs of Mises on USA Military-Economic Facism

The Living Reality Of Military-Economic Fascism Exposed In countries such as the United States, whose economies are commonly, though inaccurately, described as “capitalist” or “free-market,” war and preparation for war systematically corrupt both parties to the state-private transactions by which the government obtains the bulk of its military goods and services. To apply here what …

Robert Steele: Megan Garber of Atlantic — Deep State Shill Attacks Alex Jones on Sandy Hook False Flag Operation

The Lasting Trauma of Alex Jones’s Lies The systems that have for so long helped to enforce the notion of collective truth in America are no longer sufficient: Deception is everywhere. And it is dangerous. ROBERT STEELE: Megan Garber is a tool — no doubt with the best of intentions but loosely educated — repeating …

Robert Steele: Roadmap for US-Russia Relations — Focus on Trump & Sharing Intelligence at the Presidential Level — Ignore the Bureaucracies

A Roadmap for US-Russia Relations – An American View Robert David Steele Igor Ivanov’s recent article, “A Roadmap for Russia-U.S. Relations” provides a methodical Russian perspective of great value.[1] Here I will provide a practical American perspective, with the hope that it might help President Vladimir Putin and his senior aides help President Donald Trump, …