SPECIAL: Crap News Network (Erin Burnett) Celebrates America’s Greatest Active War Criminal (Eliot Abrams) While Fox Questions Trump’s Mental Health

In the 7 pm news tonight, Erin Burnett, an intelligent woman totally lacking in ethics, celebrated America’s greatest war criminal (still working — Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger are in the background pulling strings). She managed to get through an entire interview in sock puppet mode, without a single honest observation with respect to Elliot …

EIN CeO Publishes Activist Memorandum on Electoral Reform & Other Ideas for President Trump

EIN CeO Publishes Activist Memorandum on Electoral Reform & Other Ideas for President Trump An “American Spring” looms. Activists have come together to offer President Donald Trump a one-page nine-point action plan for restoring democracy. Washington, DC (PRUnderground) February 13th, 2017 On 11 February 2017 Robert David Steele, Chief Enabling Officer (CeO) of Earth Intelligence …

Mongoose: Bush-Baker Planning Coup to Impeach Trump, Promote Pence, and Install Jeb Bush as VP? UPDATE 1 (Skeptical)

Baker Planning Coup To Make Jeb VP? French Intel Reports Tom Heneghan is reporting on a coup d’etat being planned and pushed forward by Daddy Bush and James Baker who was responsible for stealing the year 2000 election for the Bush family.  Tom’s sources in French Intelligence have told him that James Baker is trying …

Noah Hanawait: Testimonial for Robert Steele

What could you do better? I’ve got nothing to say on that front. I’m vastly more well informed thanks to you’re countless book recommendations and reviews, your no-bullshit, yet eternally optimistic view of the world and the challenges facing it/us. Yours is absolutely one of the most important voices speaking out today in my opinion.

Robert Steele: Memorandum for the President – Warning on a Violent American Spring, Eight Actions for Donald Trump to Make America Great Again UPDATE 8 – White House Petition Numbers Being Rigged Down?

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Memo4Trump UPDATE 8: A citizen has come in with 20 screen shots that show the White House petition numbers climbing and then dropping back down. We are seeking independent verification but this is a real concern. We are however finding the same “bug” on other petitions. Bottom line is that either the numbers …