PACOM Week in Review Ending 22 Nov 09

Hot Topics CN: China’s Cyberwars 11/19/09 CN: AP NewsBreak: China holds, mistreats US geologist 11/19/09 CN: China legislator seeks to criminalise banquets: report 11/21/09 ID: Indonesian president issues order to publicly expose high-profile bank scam 11/23/09 IN: Security still lacking one year after Mumbai attacks 11/21/09 KP: Defector tells of life in North Korean army …

Worth a Look: WiserEarth Multilingual

Hello!, Hola!, Bonjour!, 你好! (Nǐ Hǎo), Buongiorno!مرحبا (Marhaba), Здравствуйте! (PRIvet), Guten Tag! 안녕하세요 (An nyoung haseh yo),こんにちは (Konnichiwa), שלום WiserTongues: Help WiserEarth become multilingual! Why speaking English isn’t enough Did you know that 60% of the WiserEarth Community comes from outside the United States? This is great news as we always wanted WiserEarth to be …