Ann Delap: ‘Dark Moment in History’ as GMO Mosquitoes Released in Florida

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

‘Dark Moment in History’ as GMO Mosquitoes Released in Florida

So who is funding Oxitec, the bio-tech company who developed these GMO mosquitoes? Check out this article. Once again, Bill Gates is having his way, in spite of the protests of Florida residents. What could possibly go wrong?

Environmentalists said the release of up to a billion GMO mosquitoes over a two-year period is about maximizing profits for biotech giant Oxitec, not about the pressing need to address mosquito-borne diseases.

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DefDog: Microbiologist Dr. Bhakdi Warns: DON’T GET The Vaccine!

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

Microbiologist Dr. Bhakdi Warns: DON’T GET The Vaccine!

We should trust science! – It is Dems’ quote.

I want to know if we should trust the real scientists who are world-renowned, like Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, or only Fauci and Brix.

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I’m asking because Dr. Bhakdi sounded the alarm about the coronavirus vaccines. He raised his voice, and many followed him, including Dr. Tenpenny! Both of them say that we have to refuse to get the jab!

Maybe you think that only one dose of the vaccine will be enough to keep you safe? Or maybe two shots?

Well, that’s wrong.

Bhakdi said that we would need ‘’booster’’ shots to keep us healthy. Those won’t only protect us from the vaccine.

Mongoose: Self-Spreading Vaccines Are No Myth…It’s Hard Science Johns Hopkins Confirmed Them – Covid Genocide Is Here

06 Genocide, Government

Self spreading vaccines are no myth. Johns Hopkins University confirms it. See attached page down below. I have their original document.

You'll get the vaccine whether you like it or not.

Self propagating vaccines were conceived by Australian Nobel Virologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet. You know about him. As you know, my interest arose when I bought his former house in 2013 and strange things happened. I looked into his life. I was so shocked, I proposed getting a priest in to do an exorcism the house. No joke.

Burnet with his protégé Sir Gustav Nossal, and the CSIRO, developed the Myxomatosis virus. First used in Australia on rabbit plagues. It was the world's first self-propagating virus that recognized – self, and acted as a vaccine which caused immune suppression. AIDS for rabbits!

Australia is ground zero for the unfolding Covid genocide.

Burnet and William Gates were friends.

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J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – April 2021 #4 “Learn to Swim”

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Here is an article from Martin Armstrong (link). His computer model shows a risk of a 50% decline in population. Marty is a really really smart guy who has an incredibly accurate track record.

Christian from the Ice Age Farmer (link) has consistently shown there is an attack on our food supply, and that the coming Solar Minimum will create a collapse in global food production.

David from Adapt 2030 has also consistently shown the collapse of global food production and what to do about it. (link)

The American Gray Swans has proven numerous times that our Supply Chain is guaranteed to collapse in it’s present positioning which will cause an engineered famine. I have designed a prototype farm of how to create quickly a massive amount of locally owned sustainable farms to avert the famine.

If we loose the middle class somehow I think we will also loose the 1% wealthy and the country. Think about it! 98% of Americans have no control nor direct access to food production. What will they do when the Supply Chain collapses? Those that have a lifeboat stand the best chance of survival, and it is recommended to have the lifeboat built well before the ship goes down, not when CNN or the government tells you it is sinking.

You can either invest in Lifeboats or learn to swim!

We have solutions, but they require financial investment.

No Food = No America

J.C. Cole

American Heritage Farms

Our Heritage as Americans is our farms. Wake up!

All of my writings have patriotically been stored by Robert David Steele here
 American Gray Swans.