The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

Steele Report
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During this extended webinar I will answer both the questions from last week you can see here, and the questions below for this week.

AI Who benefits from a rogue AI and would taking down the interview disable/kill it?

ARISE I would definitely use the picture including our wonderful American Indians in the background of the picture for the ARISE Mt Rushmore picture

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Yoda: Why Isn’t Everyone in Florida Dead or in the Hospital?

Education, Governance

As usual, leftist ideas fail miserably.

I'm one of the few brave souls in the American media who warned and advised from day one (back in early March 2020) not to lock down the American people or the economy.

I argued the following:

*That lockdowns wouldn't stop COVID-19, because you can't stop a virus.

*That there was never a reason to lock down everyone. Anyone relatively young or healthy never had a reason to fear death from COVID. The survival rate has been reported at 99%, especially for anyone relatively healthy under the age of 65.

Read full article HERE