Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Religion & the Politics of Religion

00 Remixed Review Lists
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This is a NEW list selected from this Category: Religion & Politics of Religion (131). Books rated at 6 Stars are in bold.

Guest Reviews

Review (Guest): Animal Farm–An American Story (George Orwell)

Review (Guest): A Tactical Ethic–Moral Conduct in the Insurgent Battlespace (Dick Couch)

Review (Guest): Buddhism without Beliefs (Craig K. Comstock)

Review (Guest): Deadly Embrace–Pakistan, America and the Future of Global Jihad (Bruce Riedel)

Review (Guest): Evolutionaries – Unlocking the Spiritual and Cultural Potential of Science’s Greatest Idea (Carter Phipps)

Review (Guest): Gandhi and the Unspeakable (James W. Douglass)

Review (Guest): Idiot America — How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free (Charles Pierce)

Review (Guest): I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts: Drive-by Essays on American Dread, American Dreams (Mark Dery)

Review (Guest): Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion–Illusions, Delusions, and Realities about Human Nature (Malcolm Jeeves and Warren S. Brown)

Review (Guest): Principles of Neurotheology (Andrew Newberg)

Review (Guest): Ralph Peters on The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust (Robert David Steele)

Review (Guest): The Conquest of Violence – The Gandhian Philosophy of Conflict (Joan Valerie Bondurant)

Review (Guest): The House of Wisdom – How the Arabs Transformed Western Civilization (Jonathan Lyons)

Review (Guest): The Invention of the Land of Israel: From Holy Land to Homeland (Shlomo Sand)

Review (Guest): The Phenomenon of Man (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)

Review (Guest): The Shell Game (Fiction/Non-Fiction) (Steve Allen)

Reviews by Robert David STEELE Vivas

Review: 101 Myths of the Bible–How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History (Gary Greenberg)

Review: A Civilization of Love–What Every Catholic Can Do to Transform the World (Carl Anderson)

Review: A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran (John Penrice)

Review: Against the Grain–Christianity and Democracy, War and Peace (George Weigel)

Review: American Fascists–The Christian Right and the War On America (Chris Hedges)

Review: American Gospel–God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation (Jon Meacham)

Review: American Theocracy–The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century (Kevin Phillips)

Review: Christianity, Evolution and the Breath of Life (Ralph Armstrong)

Review: Conversations with God–An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 1) (Neale Donald Walsch)

Review: Conversations With God–An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 2) (Neale Donald Walsch)

Review: Conversations With God–An Uncommon Dialogue (Book #3) (Neale Donald Walsch)

Review: Cultural Intelligence for Winning the Peace (Juliana Geran Pilon)

Review: Daydream Believers–How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power (Fred Kaplan)

Review: Devil’s Game–How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam (Robert Dreyfuss)

Review: Dogs of God–Columbus, the Inquisition, and the Defeat of the Moors (James Rston Jr.)

Review: Earthspirit–A Handbook for Nurturing an Ecological Christianity (Micahel Dowd)

Review: Embracing Israel / Palestine (Michael Lerner)

Review: Endless War–Middle-Eastern Islam vs. Western Civilization (Ralph Peters)

Review: Evolutionary Activism (Tom Atlee)

Review: Faith-Based Diplomacy–Trumping Realpolitik (David Johnston)

Review: Founding Faith–Providence, Politics, and the Birth of Religious Freedom in America (Steven Waldman)

Review: Full Spectrum Diplomacy and Grand Strategy – Reforming the Structure and Culture of U.S. Foreign Policy (John Lenczowski)

Review : Global Shift–How A New Worldview Is Transforming Humanity (Edmund J. Bourne)

Review: God and Science–Coming Full Circle (James F. Molben)

Review: God’s Politics–Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It (Jim Wallis)

Review: Good Muslim, Bad Muslim–America, the Cold War, and the Roots of Terror (Mahmood Mandani)

Review: Homeland Earth (Edgar Morin and Anne Brigitte Kern)

Review: HOW ISRAEL LOST (Richard Ben Cramer)

Review: How The World Really Works (Alan B. Jones)

Review: Intelligence and the War in Bosnia–1992-1995 (Cees Wiebes)

Review: Islamic Leviathan–Islam and the Making of State Power (Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr)

Review: Kids Who Kill–Confronting Our Culture of Violence (Mike Huckabee)

Review: Leadership Lessons of Jesus (Bob Briner)

Review: Lines of Fire – A Renegade Writes on Strategy, Intelligence, and Security (Ralph Peters)

Review: Living Beyond Your Lifetime–How to be Intentional About the Legacy You Leave (Mike Huckabee)

Review: Living In Hell–A True Odyssey of a Woman’s Struggle in Islamic Iran Against Personal and Political Forces (Ghazai Omid)

Review: Making Friends Among the Taliban (Jonathan P. Larson)

Review: Marching Toward Hell–America and Islam After Iraq (Michael Scheuer)

Review: Militant Islam in Southeast Asia–Crucible of Terror (Zachary Abuza)

Review: Misquoting Jesus–The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why (Plus) (Bart D. Ehrman)

Review: Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts (Thomas Nelson)

Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny (Robert Wright)

Review: On God’s Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn’t Learned about Serving the Common Good (Jim Wallis)

Review: Pagan Christianity?: Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices (Frank Viola)

Review: Palestine–Peace Not Apartheid (Jimmy Carter)

Review: Piety & Politics–The Right-Wing Assault on Religious Freedom (Barry W. Lynn)

Review: Questions of Truth–Fifty-one Responses to Questions About God, Science, and Belief (John C. Polkinghorne and Nicholas Beale)

Review: Reconciliation–Islam, Democracy, and the West (Benazir Bhutto)

Review: Religion Gone Bad–The Hidden Dangers of the Christian Right (Mel White)

Review: Religion, The Missing Dimension of Statecraft (Douglas Johnston)

Review: Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace – How We Got to Be So Hated (Gore Vidal)

Review: Never Quit the Fight (Ralph Peters)

Review: Sign of the Cross (Chris Kuzneski)

Review: Spies in the Vatican–Espionage & Intrigue from Napoleon to the Holocaust (David Alvarez)

Review: Surrender to Kindness (One Man’s Epic Journey for Love and Peace) (Joseph David Osman)

Review: Taliban — The Unknown Enemy (James Fergusson)

Review: Talking Politics with God and the Devil in Washington, D.C. (John Stanton)

Review: Tempting Faith–An Inside Story of Political Seduction (David Kuo)

Review: Terrorist Hunter–The Extraordinary Story of a Woman Who Went Undercover to Infiltrate the Radical Islamic Groups Operating in America (Anonymous)

Review: Thank God for Evolution–How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World (Michael Dowd)

Review: The Amish Way–Patient Faith in a Perilous World (Donald B. Kraybill,Steven M. Nolt, David L. Weaver-Zercher)

Review: The Art of Happiness at Work (Dalai Lama)

Review: The Beginning of All Things–Science and Religion (Hans Kung)

Review: The Bhagavad Gita–A Walkthrough for Westerners (Jack Hawley)

Review: The Clash of Ideas in World Politics–Transnational Networks, States, and Regime Change, 1510-2010 (John M. Owen)

Review: The Complete Conversations with God (Neale Donald Walsch)

Review: The Conservative Soul–How We Lost It, How to Get It Back (Andrew Sullivan)

Review: The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)

Review: The End of Faith–Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason (Sam Harris)

Review: The Fifteen Century War, Islam’s Violent Heritage (Morgan Norval)

Review: The Final Move Beyond Iraq–The Final Solution While the World Sleeps (Mike Evans)

Review: The Genius of the Beast–A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism (Howard Bloom)

Review: The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins)

Review: The God Problem – How A Godless Cosmos Creates (Howard Bloom)

Review: The Great Turning–From Empire to Earth Community (David C. Korten)

Review: The Invention of the Jewish People (Shlomo Sand)

Review: The Left Hand of God–Taking Back Our Country from the Religious Right (Michael Lerner)

Review: The Life & Death of NSSM 200: How the Destruction of Political Will Doomed a U. S. Population Policy

Review: The Lucifer Principle–A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History (Howard Bloom)

Review: The Passion–Photography from the Movie “The Passion of the Christ” (Mel Gibson)

Review: The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust (Robert David Steele)

Review: The Qur’an Translation (Sayed A. A. Razwy)

Review: The Routledge Atlas of Jewish History (Martin Gilbert)

Review: The Thistle and the Drone: How America’s War on Terror Became a Global War on Tribal Islam (Akbar Ahmed)

Review: The War After Armagedoon (Ralph Peters)

Review: They Dare to Speak Out–People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby (Paul Findley)

Review: To Save America Stopping Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine (Newt Gingrich)

Review: Threshold–The Crisis of Western Culture (Thom Hartmann)

Review: Tremble the Devil (Anonymous)

Review: Wars of Blood and Faith–The Conflicts That Will Shape the 21st Century (Ralph Peters)

Review: While America Sleeps–How Islam, Immigration and Indoctrination Are Destroying America From Within (Wells Earl Draughton)

Review: Who Speaks For Islam?–What a Billion Muslims Really Think (John L. Esposito)

Review: Wingnuts–How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America (John P. Avlon)

Review: Winning the Long War: Retaking the Offensive against Radical Islam (Ilam Berman)

Review DVD: Bonhoeffer (Eberhard Bethge)

Review DVD: Death of a President (Hend Ayoub)

Review DVD: Gandhi (Ben Kingsley)

Review DVD: Left Behind – The Movie (Kirk Cameron)

Review DVD Revelation (Carol Alt)

Review DVD: The Theory of Everything (David De Vos)

Review DVD: Tibet – Cry of the Snow Lion (Shirley Knight)

See Also:

2008 Legitimate Grievances (Foreign vs USA) ELECTION 2008 – Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

2008 Legitimate Grievances (US Citizens versus US Government) ELECTION 2008 – Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

2008 Paradigms of Failure ELECTION 2008 – Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

2005 IJIC18/2 The Impact of Religion on Intelligence

Education (General) (158)

Education (Universities) (60)

Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback (264)

Journal: God is Us, We are God

Philosophy (162)

Reference: Religion, Science, & Philosophy

Science & Politics of Science (87)

Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution (323)

Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized) (228)

Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Positive Future-Oriented)

Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Negative Status-Quo)

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Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Peace

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Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Theocracy

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
