1) in your opinion , what are the five most important issues in America today in the order of importance , number 1 being most important?
2) what are the most valuable organizations in America that you deem to need our attention?
3) what are the most valuable news & information sites for objective , honest Intel?
4) which presidential candidates offer the greatest chance of traction to achieve the needed goals of America?
ANSWERS below the fold.
1) in your valued opinion , what are the five most important issues in America today in the order of importance , number 1 being most important?
No single issue matters as long as we have a dishonest dysfunctional government. I have fought for intelligence reform for 25 years, and realized last year, when billionaire Tom Steyer said publicly that his hundreds of millions spent on climate change had produced no discernible improvement in how we approach this issue, that no issue will get an honest hearing under a two party tyranny that has sold out us out to shake down the banks and corporations for permanent incumbency and personal gain by the legislators.
Hence, in my view, electoral reform — the restoration of the integrity of our electoral process and thence of our government, economy, and society, is THE issue, the meta-issue if you will — that must be addressed before all others. It is also the ONE issue that we can ALL come together on — Constitution, Green, Libertarian, Working Families, and of course the very large number of independent and unaffiliated voters who curse all parties in any form however well-intentioned they might be.

Beyond the moral and political-economic imperative of restoring voice and voice to all citizens, there is also the practical matter of holistic analytics with true cost economics and open source everything engineering. No one issue can be understood completely in isolation from all other issues. Holistic analytics demands that all threats, all policies, all costs, all demographics, be evaluated within the whole earth, whole of government construct. No one does that today, least of all the US Government.
Among the issues to be evaluated in a holistic context, poverty, disease (including obesity), and environmental degradation are the top three. As a country we need to end the virtual fascism of corporate rule and move immediately toward full employment and basic income guarantees; an end to the legalization of poisonous unhealthy food and drink; and an end to the subsidization of corporate practices, particularly in the uses of energy and water, that are destroying our ground water, our air, and our soil.

2)what are the most valuable organizations in America that you deem to need our attention?
There are no organizations today — including the Catholic Church, labor unions, and especially the political parties — that are properly representing the public interest or serving to elevate the voice and vote of the public. All of them are supporting the 1% construct that has merged financial and political crime into what Matt Taibbi calls Griftopia. A useful book for understanding the absolute need to reject the existing industrial-technical-financial paradigm in its totality is offered by Charles Bednar, Transforming the Dream – Ecologism and the Shaping of an Alternative American Vision.
There are eight information “tribes” or networks that must be resurrected by demanding that they each achieve intelligence with integrity: academic, civil society (including labor unions and religions), commerce (especially small business), government (especially local), law enforcement (especially Oath Keepers), media, military (especially National Guard), and non-government/non-profit.

Among the social media networks, MoveOn, MeetUp, Facebook, and Twitter all have potential, but all also lack inspired leadership able to think creatively at the intersection of public mobilization and policy integrity. Micah Sifry has written a brillian book, The Big Disconnect: Why the Internet Hasn't Fixed Politics (Yet), and I have responded to that book with a Foreword to a book on CyberOSINT: Next Generation Information Access that outlines my views on the current state of the art and some thoughts on where we need to go. There are two parts to achieving extreme or authentic democracy: part one is the Electoral Reform Act of 2015; part two is the creation of the World Brain and Global Game at the local to national level such that all citizens are in touch with all relevant information including especially true cost economics information, and they can play themselves, live, across all issues at all levels. With transparency, truth, and trust we end end waste, treason, and corruption.
Neighborhood associations — not just of homeowners but of residents and shopkeepers — has a special appeal to me. Also counties and even zip codes. We need to retire the idea that political parties based on ideological litmus tests have any value to democracy. A restored focus on geospatial aggreagation of ALL points of view is essential to restoring integrity to how we make decisions, and how we address the intersection of humanity, location, and political economy.
3) what are the most valuable news & information sites for objective , honest Intel?
Realistically speaking there is no objective honest news or information site around. There are many sites that strive to provide information on a given issue (for example, poverty) but those well-intentioned sites are lacking in a grasp of holistic analytics, true cost economics, and open source everything engineering. All the rest are selfish sites, ideological sites, corrupt sites funded by competing elements of the 1% including the pervasive Zionist government of Israel whose many influence operations in the USA are not properly labeled as agents of a foreign power (they receive funding and instructions from Zionist Israel, which is perverse because the US taxpaer subsidizes the Zionist state with 20% of its budget).
There is an excellent book, Fog Facts, that addresses who someone somewhere often knows the truth, but the truth is hidden from the rest of us in all the noise that we have allowed a fascist corporate state to create. Separately I have identified a number of information pathologies, each with its own book title — we need to create the public intelligence network, public budget network, public policy network of the future, such that each citizen is armed with the power of accurate knowledge. This is not an original idea — our Founding fathers including not just Thomas Jefferson but James Madison and George Mason — addressed this. Unfortunately the universities, in theory the starting point for intelligence with integrity, have lost their intelligence with integrity and become another means of picking the taxpayer and citizens pockets, offering “credentials” for “life experience” instead of a deep liberal arts education (learning how to think, how to have a civil conversation, how to conduct an investigation).

4) which presidential candidates offer the greatest chance of traction to achieve the needed goals of America?
Thomas Friedman of the New York Times and the Zionist state of Israel surprised me a month or so ago when he wrote a piece, “My Choice for President? None of the Above,” and concluded that none of the presidential candidates, explicitly including Hillary Clinton, were worthy of public consideration. Trump was included but had not yet exploded into public consciousness.
In my view there are three candidates with serious potential in 2015-2016: Donald Trump, Martin O'Malley, and a new candidate that could emerge if the Electoral Reform Act of 2015 is forced through by Trump particularly, joined by Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, and others. Trump is on the verge of a break-out but lacking the depth or gravitas in those around him, not ready to move beyond the Republican rabble to go for the whole electorate; O'Malley has not entered the public consciousness and may never rise to the challenge, but he is the only evidence-based honest candidate I see on the Democratic front. I hesitate to name the third candidate. It could be anyone including me or you. The Electoral Reform Act if passes requires that each candidate in the general election announce their coalition cabinet in advance of election day, and that there be cabinet-level debates prior to election day. Candidates for the general election are also required to present a balanced budget for public scrutiny and discussion, and to announce their commitment to tax reform and employment reform. Right now both Trump and O'Malley are incoherent — they throw out single issue prescriptions or policy statements, it is obvious neither one of them has a staff capable of creating a coalition cabinet, balance budget, or of executing a holistic analytic process integrating true cost economic analysis across all threats, all policies, all demographcs.

From where I sit, Trump has touched a nerve with the public — “a pox on all parties.” I myself have found, in running for the presidential nomination for the Reform Party in 2012, very very briefly for the Libertarian Party in 2015, and in discussion with Green Party representatives, that ALL parties are toxic. Parties insist that their nominees abide by the party platfrom which is generally a corrupt mish-mash of ideology and donor pet rocks. Parties insist that presidential nominees have a vice presidential nominee from the same party and appoint cabinet officials from the same party. This is insane, not just corrupt. In this context I see Trump as the more likely to mount an effective Independent campaign but I do not see Trump, right now, “getting it” on what it will take to bring back to the process the 100 million eligible voters (HALF of all eligible voters) who did not vote in 2012. O'Malley has a better chance at the Democratic nomination than Bernie Sanders does, and here again AI am not sure if he has the ability to grow beyond the Democratic Party. While I expect Hillary Clinton to shrivel up and vanish — something will happen to her as recently happened to Bill Crosby and it will be over for the Clinton crime family — having a solid Democratic presidential candidate is not the best outcome for the future of democracy in the USA.
Our future depends not only on electing an honest Executive team, but on breaking the back of the two-party tyranny in Congress. To do the latter and restore Article 1 of the Constitution, we must make it possible for 20-30% of those elected to Congress in 2016 to be from small parties or indepenent and unaffiliated — and absolutely not allowed by the constituents to caucus with either of the two parties that we must over time eradicate. I frankly would like to see all parties be eliminated. Democracy should be based on location, not ideological persuasion. Parties make it too easy to buy outcomes.
Hence, for me, who is elected President does not matter as much as getting the Electoral Reform Act of 2015 passed in time to elect both an honest executive and an honest legislature in 2016. We have roughly 45 days for the Trump and O'Malley camps to wake up and understand the possibilities, otherwise they will remain part of what Chris Edges calls The Empire of Illusion. They could start by reading my summary of Theresa Amato's riveting book, Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in a Two-Party Tyranny.
See Especially:
Book @ Amazon Kindle (Briefly #1 in Civics)
Democracy Lost Essay & Book Reviews
Open Power Electoral Reform Home Page
See Also:
Search: political positions of robert david steele