Mongoose: Paris 11/13 False Flag YouTubes

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism

YouTube (10:40) 993,015 Views. Political author Gearoid O Colmain discusses the Paris attacks with RT International

YouTube (10:14) 620,398 Views. Paris Attack False Flag: Conspiracy Hoax Exposed

YouTube (4:01) 243,153 Views. Mossad's Fingerprints On Paris Attacks

YouTube (22:17) 187,748 Views. 11/13 Paris Attack by Israeli Intelligence Services: Ken O'Keefe”>11/13 Paris Attack by Israeli Intelligence Services: Ken O'Keefe

YouTube (5:07) 155,688 Views. Paris Attack Witness Describes Gunmen As White, Muscular, Clean Cut Mercenaries! FALSE FLAG ALERT!

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