Phi Beta Iota: Read the report and draw your own conclusions. On balance we give it a C+ [this is actually a complement] in part because it cost too much to get to this point, neglects all Chinese and other language sources, neglects or is unaware of the non-military capabilites, and is completely lacking in context–the Chinese are NOT emphasizing attack IW as much as capture and exploit IW, in all the languages we do not comprehend, and for the purpose of waging peace and conquering, with soft power, the entire Southern Hemisphere. Our two-pager on Chinese Irregular Warfare is free and more policy-relevant. See also:
Journal: CINCPAC Slams IC on China
Reference: Information Operations (IO) Newsletters
Review: Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power Is Transforming the World
Review: The Second World–Empires and Influence in the New Global Order