Journal: Chuck Spinney Triple on Economic Reality

03 Economy
Chuck Spinney

First Base: The Eurozone worked very well to increase the economic welfare of its poorer members during the economic expansion of 2002-2008, but it is becoming increasingly clear that the interconnected character of the economies of Eurozone, together with the sacrifice of sovereign currencies in favor of the Euro managed by the European Central Bank, creates institutional rigidities and solvency problems that impede the formulation of counter-cyclical policies in these countries when their economic growth stagnates.  The attached two articles describe how these rigidities could spillover to feed back on and push the US into a double dip recession or an extended period of stagnation.

Is Tim Geithner Paying Attention To the Global Economy? By Peter Boone and Simon Johnson, Baseline Scenario, 6 Feb 2010

Second Base: Should the Nature of a Sovereign Currency Be Considered When Shaping a Counter Cyclical Economic Policy? A political consensus is emerging in the US to cut back on deficit spending, even though the US economy is at best in the early stage of recovering from a steep recession, or at worst on the cusp of a double dip recession, or even worse, a debt deflation.  This is a very dangerous possibility, made more so by a morally bankrupt political decision-making system that runs more in accordance with the rhythms of soundbytes and simplistic slogans.

Continue reading “Journal: Chuck Spinney Triple on Economic Reality”

Search: david petraeus favorite mushroom steele


Rule 1 on this site is never include steele in any search.  He's all over every item, and we did not list his name in the tags because it would have reduced everyone else to very fine print.  Without steele the search is successful and produced below, wherein you will find the book you are looking for.

Reference: Human Terrain Team (HTT) Round Two

See also:

Journal: Anthropology 101–Not Being Listened To

Review: Anthropologists in the Public Sphere–Speaking Out on War, Peace, and American Power

Review: Anthropological Intelligence–The Deployment and Neglect of American Anthropology in the Second World War

Reference: Fixing Intel–A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan

Worth a Look: Key Leader Engagement

Journal: Human Terrain Team (HTT) Project Now Dabbling in Propaganda

2009 Defense Science Board Report on Understanding Human Dynamics

2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated

Review: Charm Offensive–How China’s Soft Power Is Transforming the World

Worth A Look: A View from the Emergence Edge

Worth A Look
Wikipedia Biography

Illuminati Rule To End This Year, Maybe This Week

There are now several groups with active plans for implementing a new paradigm to replace the one of endless war and genocide being pursued by the criminals who have taken over Western civilization.

One group centered on the British empire would like to begin construction of massive free energy facilities to remove salt from sea-water and use the resulting fresh water to turn the deserts green. This group is allying itself with the Middle Eastern monarchies and plans to work simultaneously in Australia and the Arabian peninsula.

This group also wants to pay the world’s deep sea fishing fleets to stop all fishing for two or three years in order to allow the oceans to replenish themselves.

A different group based in Australia but with powerful connections throughout the G7 proposes turning the deserts green by using etheric weather engineering technology.

They also plan to start cleaning up the world’s most polluted sites using zeolite, an abundant mineral that absorbs toxic substances and prevents them from interacting with the environment in a harmful manner. They also have free energy technology.

A third group based on the US military-intelligence establishment proposes a 5-year swords to plowshares transformation of the Pentagon. This group has the potential to develop the over 6,000 patents that have hitherto been suppressed for “national security” reasons.

One technology they possess is anti-gravity. This would make automobiles obsolete and allow roadways to be transformed into gardens. They claim to control technology that allows the creation of portals into other dimensions.

They claim (we have not seen proof but have heard this from many credible eye-witnesses) that many so-called underground bases around the world are actual such portals.

Hopefully we will soon be able to see if this is true. If so the implications are more than mind-boggling.

This group will no doubt join forces with the various “programs” and trusts that have been fighting the Federal Reserve Board for decades.

A fourth group linking the Vatican and Russia sent us the following proposal:

We are working with leading world scientists from top prestigious institutions in Russia, they are developing many innovations:

  • in the fields of energy generating (heat and/or electricity) using water as fuel,
  • manufacturing new elements and isotopes from cheap materials,
  • converting radioactive materials (waste) into stable condition,
  • desalinating sea water to produce fresh water without any salted residuals,
  • transmutation of poisonous materials into inert materials,
  • municipal waste recycling,
  • motors of higher power at lower consumption of electricity,
  • special converters and transformers,
  • earthquake prediction,
  • New Approach Towards Understanding Origination of Matter and Energy in Universe from vacuum,
  • many technologies for the nuclear energy industry that will be the top energy by 2050 according to EDF, and much more.

There are many technologies/projects in need of investment that are on the market, some that are about to enter in the market and some that need more years of investigation.

At any time it can be arranged a meeting in the several prestigious institutions in Moscow or the Officials/scientists can go to Japan to make the presentations.

Continue reading “Worth A Look: A View from the Emergence Edge”

Journal: To Tax or Not to Tax–Reflections

Chuck Spinney

Politicians love to talk about cutting taxes in order to stimulate the economy and create jobs, but do tax cuts really trigger economic growth?

Let's look at the federal government's tax take.  The attached chart portrays the portrays how each category of taxes changed as a percentage of the Federal Government's total tax receipts since 1934.  It tells us that income taxes fluctuated up and down but remained relatively constant  as a percentage of the total tax take since 1946.  The biggest percentage increase occurred in Social Security and Medicare taxes, which also happen to be the most economically regressive taxes in the tax structure (i.e., the tax burden is relatively higher for those at lower incomes than for those at higher incomes).  The biggest share declines occurred for corporate income taxes, excise taxes, and other taxes (estate taxes, customs duties, and miscellaneous taxes).

Few would argue that the period of most stable growth in the post-WWII US economy occurred between 1946 and the mid 1970s, at least when viewed as a composite of measures like productivity growth, healthy trade balances, productivity growth, real growth in personal income, low unemployment, relatively high job security, relatively small federal deficits, and relatively mild recessions.

Continue reading “Journal: To Tax or Not to Tax–Reflections”

MILNET Headlines 5 February 2010


Afghanistan: Delay In Afghan Base Closure Led to 8 U.S. Deaths

Afghanistan: U.S. Commanders In Afghanistan Face New Scrutiny

Corporate Misbehavior:  ‘Don’t Be Evil,’ Meet ‘Spy on Everyone’: How the NSA Deal Could Kill Google
Corporate Misbehavior: A fight over freedom at Apple’s core

Corporate Misbehavior: Microsoft tackles 17-year-old bug

Cyber-Security: House Passes Cybersecurity Bill

Defense Technology: Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal ‘Synthetic Organisms,’ Molecular Kill-Switch Included

Drones Hit or Miss? U.S. Puzzles Over Top Militant's Fate

From the Right:  Our Obama Saga. Part One—Chapters One to Four

From the Right: Our Obama Saga — Part Two. Chapters Five-Six

Haiti: Danger Room in Haiti: The Two Worlds of Port-au-Prince

Languages: The tragedy of dying languages

National Security Process: A Critic Returns  At War

National Security Process: Piecemeal Detainee Policy

Reference: Social Search 101

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Methods & Process, Tools
Directory & Links

Description: A hot linked and annotated list of social search systems.

Feature text below:

One of the first steps in Strategic Social Networking is to know where to look for information from social systems. Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo include content from high-profile social content sources like Facebook. Here at SSN, we need to look for fresh social information from different angles, from different services.

Phi Beta Iota: Stephen E. Arnold has been the “virtual CTO” for the modern Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) community and is generally ten years ahead of the private sector and twenty years ahead of any government.