How News Organizations Should Prepare for Data Dumps
PBS MediaShift Idea Lab 2 August 2010 by Martin Moore
5 Questions
Here are just five (of many) questions news orgs should ask themselves when they get their next data dump:
1. How do we harness public intelligence to generate a long tail of stories? Though the Telegraph succeeded in unearthing dozens of stories from the Parliamentary expenses data, the handful of reporters in the bunker could never trawl through each of the millions of receipts contained on the computer disks. It was The Guardian that first worked out how to deal with this; it not only made the receipts available online but provided tools to search through them and tag them (see Investigate your MP's expenses). This way it could harness the shared intelligence — and curiosity — of hundreds, if not thousands, more volunteer watchdogs, each of whom might be looking for a different story from the expenses data. As a result, the Guardian generated many more stories and helped nurture a community of citizen scrutineers
Gen Pasha’s goal: Burnishing the ISIs image
RupeeNews, 31 July 2010
First, under his leadership the ISI has embarked on an unprecedented mission to revamp its international image. On the one side, this has led to a campaign of “public intelligence,” in line with the very fashionable public diplomacy concept. Never before have so many Western journalists and delegations been invited to visit ISI’s headquarters in Islamabad, where they are object of an intense PR campaign “over tea and PowerPoint briefings.”
Don't forget Rice »
NY Daily News, 27 July 2010 By Bill Hammond
Here's Nassau District Attorney Kathleen RIce's entry in the post-debate debate: “a Wall Street accountability plan”:
Some hallmark elements of DA Rice's plan include amending the Martin Act to grant the AG examination authority essentially akin to an open warrant over financial agents; expanding the Investor Protection Bureau and making it self-funding by diverting a percentage of penalties and settlements back to the OAG; putting information about financial agents in a new online database for consumers; and encouraging Wall Street whistleblowers to come forward with the help of a Special Deputy Attorney General for Public Intelligence.