12 April 2011
If the deficit and debt are real problems that can only be addressed by cutting government spending as the Republicans claim than the budget the Republicans agreed to is a joke. It shows that the Republicans either don't believe their own rhetoric about the need to drastically curtail government spending or that they are just politicians and not statesmen. They might say the “right” thing to the tea party movement but in practice they wont lead us out of the mess that they caused in the first place starting under Bush and continuing under Obama.
If the Republicans were serious about cutting the deficit and the debt, they would do at least three things. First, they would follow the lead of then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld who on Sept. 10, 2001 held a press conference at which he called for a war against wasteful Pentagon spending. He said that there was $2.3 trillion dollars unaccounted for in the Department of Defense. So what the Republicans should do is call for a full and transparent audit of the Pentagon.
The second thing they should do is support Sen. Rand Paul's moderate $500 billion in cuts as a starting point for the discussion. The third thing the Republicans should do is take a serious look at the costs of having 1,200 government organizations working on counter-terrorism. Between weeding out waste at the Pentagon, rethinking our counter-terrorism organizational strategy and Sen. Paul's cuts, the Republicans would at least be taken seriously as fiscal conservatives.
Phi Beta Iota: Any Member of Congress who cannot acknowledge that we need to start with $500 billion in cuts simply lacks integrity and should be impeached. Borrowing must STOP within two years. Honest open source intelligence (OSINT) must be used to expose all of the corruption behind the willful acceptance of Medicare costs that are 100 times what the rest of the world pays for the same generic top 75 prescriptions. The lack of intelligence (decision-support) and integrity (demand for decision-support) among all Senators and Representatives is an excellent indictment of the US Government–in the absence of intelligence and integrity, one must question the legitimacy of the government and its processes. This is a perfect opportunity for an aspiring Presidential candidate to form a coalition cabinet, make the seven promises, and produce a balanced budget for national discussion beginning no later than 4 July 2011.
US Goverment 2011 Revenue, Costs, & Debt–Two Party Tyranny Lies Straight Up, Media Goes Along
Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This?
Reference: Steele at Huffington Post Updated