Yoda: When Intelligence Loses It’s Integrity, It Is Not Intelligence

Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency, Military
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Peak Intel: How So-Called Strategic Intelligence Actually Makes Us Dumber

An industry that once told hard truths to corporate and government clients now mostly just tells them what they want to hear, making it harder for us all to adapt to a changing world — and that's why I'm leaving it.

Eric Garland

The Atlantic, 5 April 2012

I recently quit my job as a “futurist” and “strategic intelligence analyst” after a successful 15-year career of writing books and consulting to corporations and governments around the world. I spent a decade and a half analyzing disruptive new technologies, predicting the effects of the Internet on the international construction industry, helping executives decide whether to spend billions in the nuclear power market, profiling the customer of the future — and training thousands of executives to do likewise for their own companies. It was exciting and fulfilling, but this is the end of the road.  My employment status is interesting to nobody except my wife and I, but why I am leaving the business of intelligence is important to everybody, because it stems from the endemic corruption of how decisions are made in our most critical institutions.

I am not quitting this industry for lack of passion, as I still believe — more than ever — in using good information and sophisticated analytical techniques to decode the future and make decisions. The problem is, the market for intelligence is now largely about providing information that makes decision makers feel better, rather than bringing true insights about risk and opportunity. Our future is now being planned by people who seem to put their emotional comfort ahead of making decisions based on real — and often uncomfortable — information. Perhaps one day, the discipline of real intelligence will return triumphantly to the world's executive suites. Until then, high-priced providers of “strategic intelligence” are only making it harder for their clients — for all of us — to adapt by shielding them from painful truths.

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Richard Wright: Washington Post – No Memory on Iraq & No Integrity on Iran

05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Government, IO Impotency, Media
Richard Wright

An Mini-Me would say, “Huh”?

US intelligence gains in Iran seen as boost to confidence

By Joby Warrick and Greg Miller

The Washington Post
Published: April 8, 2012

More than three years ago, the CIA dispatched a stealth surveillance drone into the skies over Iran.

The bat-winged aircraft penetrated more than 600 miles inside the country, captured images of Iran’s secret nuclear facility at Qom and then flew home. All the while, analysts at the CIA and other agencies watched carefully for any sign that the craft, dubbed the RQ-170 Sentinel, had been detected by Tehran’s air defenses on its maiden voyage.

“There was never even a ripple,” said a former senior U.S. intelligence official involved in the previously undisclosed mission.

CIA stealth drones scoured dozens of sites throughout Iran, making hundreds of passes over suspicious facilities, before a version of the RQ-170 crashed inside Iran’s borders in December. The surveillance has been part of what current and former U.S. officials describe as an intelligence surge that is aimed at Iran’s nuclear program and that has been gaining momentum since the final years of George W. Bush’s administration.

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Sepp Hasslberger: Scientists, Citizens, & Real-Time Pervasive Science

Earth Intelligence
Sepp Hasslberger

Scientists and citizens

Sam Geall

February 24, 2012

Could a new wave of networked, amateur scientific endeavour speed the discovery of solutions to pressing environmental problems? Sam Geall reports.

What connects a group of Bayaka pygmy hunters in the Congo Basin, opposed to illegal loggers encroaching on their land; residents of Deptford, in south London, concerned about a noisy scrapyard across the road from a school; and members of the website oldweather.org, transcribing century-old ship log books to gather information about historical weather conditions?

The answer is they all have become citizen scientists, on the frontiers of a field that harnesses the wisdom of crowds, a do-it-yourself approach to technology and a radical approach to knowledge that blurs the traditional boundaries between local understanding and scientific expertise. In the words of Francois Grey, physicist at Tsinghua University in Beijing and coordinator of the Citizen Cyberscience Centre in Geneva, Switzerland, they all embody the spirit that: “Science is too important to be left to scientists alone”.

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Josh Kilbourn: Motherboard – Free the Network

Autonomous Internet
Josh Kilbourn

Motherboard TV: Free the Network

Posted by Brian_Anderson on Wednesday, Mar 28, 2012

You’re on the Internet. What does that mean?

Most likely, it means one of a handful of telecommunications providers is middlemanning your information from Point A to Point B. Fire off an email or a tweet, broadcast a livestream or upload video to YouTube, and you’re relying on vast networks of fiber optic cables deep underground and undersea, working with satellites high above, to move your data around the world, and to bring the world to your fingertips.

It’s an infrastructure largely out of sight and mind. AT&T, Level 3, Hurricane Electric, Tata Indicom – to most these are simply invisible magicians performing the act of getting one online and kicking. To many open-source advocates, however, these are a few of the big, dirty names responsible for what they see as the Web’s rapid consolidation. The prospect of an irreparably centralized Internet, a physical Internet in the hands of a shrinking core of so-called Tier 1 transit networks, keeps Isaac Wilder up at night.

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John Steiner: Young Americans Sue US Government Over Environment

03 Environmental Degradation, Corruption, Government
John Steiner

Subject: S.O.S. from the youngest generation

³Industry has a legally protected cognizable interest to freely emit CO2.²  Fossil Fuel Industry Intervenors in the Kids vs Global Warming lawsuit against the US Government to protect the atmosphere as a public trust, April
2, 2012

This is what one of the attorneys for the National Association for Manufacturers said at the hearing this week when they were allowed to join the US Government in defending their so-called ³right² to continue emitting as much CO2 as they please.  Alec Loorz and the other youth plaintiffs, are challenging that right with their own right, one they share with their entire generation, to simply survive on this planet.


The judge and all attorneys agreed on one thing:  this is a case of national significance.  We are facing a historic moment.  This lawsuit is a critical and unprecedented opportunity to break the impasse in Congress and force federal emission reduction plans.

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Marcus Aurelius: Department of State Broken – With No Prospect of Being Fixed

02 Diplomacy
Marcus Aurelius

Diplomacy is one of those jobs where you actually have to be present on scene to do it.  One key point that Ms. Schake does not mention is that a principal reason military is playing a dominant role right now is that Foreign Service Officers (FSOs) are not volunteering for the hardship — such as Baghdad and Kabul — posts in adequate numbers and neither Secretary of State nor Director General of  Foreign Service has invoked  statutory authority for “directed assignments,” i.e., to involuntarily assign FSOs where they are needed.  So, if nobody wants to go to Shitholia, nobody goes.)

Politico.com, April 5, 2012

How State Can Take Back Diplomacy

By Kori Schake

The Obama administration brandished “smart power” as crucial to U.S. foreign policy. “With smart power,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared in her confirmation hearings, “diplomacy will be the vanguard of foreign policy.” Yet the U.S. military controls ever wider swaths of our civilian activity abroad.

Despite a U.S. Embassy in Kabul staffed with more than 1,000 people, the U.S. military is running task forces on corruption and building the justice system in Afghanistan. When the Obama administration needed a political envoy for delicate diplomatic work in Iraq, it sent the Army chief of staff.

The militarization of U.S. diplomacy is bad policy. And it doesn’t have to be this way. Our diplomats are talented, resourceful people with the vocation of representing our country. But unlike the military, the State Department makes poor use of its human capital.

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Marcus Aurelius: Defense Spending Contradictions – Panetta’s Week-Ends versus TRICARE Cuts

Corruption, Government, Media
Marcus Aurelius

So, proposed TRICARE fee increases are intended to cover costs of SECDEF's weekend trips home?  Would not be surprised.

April 6, 2012

A $32,000 Trip Every Weekend

The Situation Room (CNN), 5:00 P.M.

JOE JOHNS: Imagine working in Washington Monday through Friday then flying home almost every weekend to California. That’s a weekly ritual for Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, and get this, he does it for the most part on the taxpayers’ dime.

CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr is back with that story.

Double duty for you today, Barbara.

BARBARA STARR: Indeed, Joe. Well, you know, look, here at the Pentagon it’s all about cutting the budget, trying to save billions of dollars, so why are taxpayers paying nearly $1 million for Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to fly home on the weekends?

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