Golden Candle centered within Whole Earth
Rescue Cross with food bowl, educational quill, stabilization & reconstruction shovel, and stiletto for precision law enforcement with judicial due process.
Motto: Transparency, Truth, & Trust
Web Site: www.phibetaiota.net
Eight Tribes: Academic, Civil Society (including Labor and Religion), Commerce, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, and Non-Governmental/Non-Profit.
Technical Method: Open Source Everything (OSE)
Human Method: Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making (M4IS2)
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Immediate Goal: Create a workbook that provides a universal foundation for creating public intelligence in the public interest while also forcing accountability on the Eight Tribes with respect to ethical evidence-based decision-support for strategy, policy, acquisition, and operations.
Interim Goal: Open Source Agency & United Nations Open-Source Decision-Support Information Network (UNODIN)
Mid-Term Goal: Create Smart Nations by integrating Education, Intelligence, & Research (redirect funds from secret intelligence to applied education & integral multi-everything research)..
Long-Term Goal: World Brain Institute nurturing Autonomous Internet, Open Source Everything (OSE) as Liberation Technology, replicable linked Centers of Public Intelligence in every town.
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Access Archive Tables . Awards 1992-2006 . As Featured in Media . Free Training Handbooks
Historic Contributions (253) Directory (List) (1) . History of Opposition (14)