Berto Jongman: Pedophiles Raping and Snuffing Toddlers Online, Using Bitcoin, Police and Politicians Useless

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Disturbing new internet child abuse sees toddlers raped and burned live on webcam as paedophiles use Bitcoin to stop being traced, warns police chief

  • Rob Wainwright, director of Europol, warned of depraved new trend
  • Paedophiles pay for sick online ‘shows' using untraceable Bitcoin
  • Mr Wainwright warned that police and politicians struggle to keep up

Kieran Corcoran

MailOnline (UK), 21 April 2014

Read full story.

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Phi Beta Iota: For decades elite pedophelia has been a major concern of those following the 1%. Now however there are two huge trends that easily make this a global atrocity meriting persistent citizen outrage toward resolution. First, the Internet is now making elite pedophilia a middle class “affordable” peversion.  This is where the FBI and MI-5 are spending their time, rather than going after the “root” networks of child traffickers. Second, pedophilia is being spread among local police and firefighters. We lack an understanding of the who, how, why, but this is a discernible trend that helps immunize the elite and extend the outrageous crimes against children with impunity. Within the ten high level threats to humanity as identified by the United Nations, pedophilia and the torture and murder of children online fall within threat #7, Other Atrocities.

See Also:

Pedophilia @ Phi Beta Iota

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
