Robert Steele: World War III in the Middle East and the Need for Peace in Our Time: The Open Source Way — Beyond Iran, a US-NK Summit, Hollywood/Zionists Down, Global Re-Set

Articles & Chapters
Robert David STEELE Vivas

World War III in the Middle East and the Need for Peace in Our Time: The Open Source Way

Beyond Iran, a US-NK Summit, Hollywood/Zionists Down, Global Re-Set

Robert David Steele

American Herald Tribune

17 October 2017

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Kosmos: Life within the Cosmic Ecology

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Editorial (Nancy Roof)
Excerpt | Who Do We Choose to Be? (Margaret Wheatley)
Excerpt | We Are Bio-Cosmic Beings Learning to Live in a Living Universe  (Duane Elgin)
Excerpt | Liminal Leadership (Nora Bateson)
Excerpt | The Soul of Education (Rachel Kessler)
Excerpt | The Soul of Humanity and the New Civilization (Nancy Seifer)

Freedom Articles: 20 Ex-Intelligence Officers Honored for Confronting the US Military-Intelligence Complex

Ethics, Government

Includes list of 17 intelligence agencies or branches, and excellent write-ups on each of 20 individuals (19 US, 1 UK).

A List of 20 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed the US Military Intelligence Complex – Part 1


A List of 20 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed the US Military Intelligence Complex – Part 2

List below the fold.

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Robert Steele: Snap-Shot of the Zionist Attack Machine — Six Ways, 90 Days

Robert David STEELE Vivas

Ever since Cynthia McKinney and I posted the bumper stick below the fold, we have been under attack. I list the six ways in which we have been attacked — the latest being Kasperky labeling us an “XXX” site, most probably because Kaspersky, like YouTube, is too lazy to vet false reports, especially when they come in twelve at a time.

I am about to write an article on the Zionist attack machine for the American Herald Tribune. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will be front and center in this article.

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Robert Parry: How Netanyahu Pulls Trump’s Strings

Government, Peace Intelligence
Robert Parry

How Netanyahu Pulls Trump’s Strings

Although dressing up his capitulation to Netanyahu in tough-guy phrasing, Trump is doing what most U.S. politicians do – they grovel before Bibi Netanyahu.

And, if you have any doubts about that reality, you can watch how often both Republicans and Democrats jump to their feet when Netanyahu addresses a joint session of Congress, an honor that he has received three times, tying him with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Those moments of American humiliation – as almost all 535 members of Congress act like puppets on invisible strings – represent the actual subservience of the U.S. government to a foreign power. And that power is not Russia.

President Trump is just the latest American politician to have his strings yanked by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Parag Khanna: Our Asian Future … and More

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Parag Khanna

Believe it or not, we are nearing one year since last November's presidential election. Since then, populism seems to have triumphed over pragmatism in every corner of American policy-making.

But whereas many expected 2016's Brexit and Trump shocks to inspire a populist wave across the Western world, this year's French and German elections fortunately proved otherwise. In this recent column for Quartz, I explain why social-democratic European governments have done a better job of holding populism at bay than the Anglo-Saxon model.

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