Would Vice President Mike Pence sign-on to such a coup d’état? The desire to be president does strange things to men. We know that Pence demurred in the wake of the NBC /Billy Bush revelations, refusing to take candidate Trump’s call at the same time party leaders were privately offering to convene the Republican National Committee and dump Trump as the party’s nominee, replacing him with Pence. The Vice President’s political majordomo Nick Ayres got caught red handed leaking information detrimental to the President only to have the Vice President’s highly regarded Communications Director Jeff Lotter take the fall.
My sources also tell me that Pence has chafed over the President’s unwillingness to reverse US law… read more.
Phi Beta Iota: First they tried to steal the same 13 states they stole from Bernie Sanders. Then they tried to flip the Electoral College. Then they invited lies about the Russian hacking the election. Then they created #RESIST managed by the Zionist Anti-Defamation League (Neither Israel nor the Republican Party are friendly to our President). Now they are trying the 25th Amendment route, while also ginning up a money-laundering assault. If the President does not pivot and mobilize the 99% with an Election Reform Act, Open Source Agency/Trump Channel, and Grand Strategy/national conversation, he could well be demolished by the Deep State.
See Especially:
Robert Steele: Concept for Trump Triumph in 3 Moves UPDATE 2
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