The day after 9/11 the President told everyone it was safe to return to New York City. He was wrong.
Phi Beta Iota: Instead of taking down the Twin Towers safely once they were condemned around 1990, at a cost of $2B+, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey elected to be complicit in a false flag terrorism event organized by the Zionists and approved as well as overseen by Dick Cheney, toward commercial insurance fraud yielding $7-12B for the criminal conspiracy that carried out 9/11, never mind the cost to the local public, never mind the $7 trillion dollar cost of war in the Middle East, of, by, and for the Zionst State of Israel that continues to treat the USA as its “shiksa” (gentile whore). President Trump has done well at defeating the Deep State on the financial front — his looming take-over of the Federal Reserve is long overdue. What he has NOT done is shown the public the truth about 9/11 such that the public will join the President in smashing the fake news mainstream and Zionist-controlled social media, while reforming the elections process so that 100% of our voters are engaged, instead of the current 50%,
See Especially:
Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for the Truth — False Flag Deep State Truth!