I am receiving early reports from others that the latest WordPress Update may have a call home feature that reports banned words so that WordPress.com can digitally assassinate the site as they did with Fellowship of the Minds. WordPress.com cannot be trusted, that is clear. Censorship by private parties rendering a “public” service is in direct violation of the 1st Amendment as well as Title 7. I have no direct knowledge on this update but have decided to refuse all WordPress as well as JetPack updates, and am actively planning to abandon WordPress for an alternative. Below are some alternatives to WordPress, each with their own plusses and minuses. I have already implemented a complete back up that is independent of JetPack which cannot be trusted because it is owned by WordPress.com.
What we really need is a RICO investigation that includes WordPress, shreds the Anti-Defamation League and Zionist money that is behind all this censorship, and forbids any private corporation from any interference with Free Speech. The states that are equating anti-semitism and Sandy Hook denial with hate speech are being bribed and blackmailed to do so by the Zionists. I am not a happy camper. The President needs to act on all this.
- Blogger
- CMS Made Simple
- Drupal
- Expression Engine
- Ghost
- Jekyll
- Joomla
- Medium
- Shopify
- Sitefinity
- Statamic
- Steemit
- Textpattern
- Tumbler
- Weebly
- Wix
Google Sites
See Especially:
See Also:
#GoogleGestapo @ Phi Beta Iota