This is a six page summary review of a political-cultural-economic-social transformation that is both needed and possible, by the one person seeking the Democratic nomination for the presidency who appears authentic, inclusive, and truthful. Links to free online supporting documentation for the author's radically humanistic and deeply spiritual proposals are included in the formal review. An additional five pages of links and one paragraph extracts are appended to give the Kindle reader easy access to a range of mass media depictions of the author that range from angelic to whacko.
Marianne Williamson is not a whacko. Anyone who says she is, in my opinion. is either committing legally-actionable defamation while executing a Cabal media “hit job,” or simply a deeply twisted human being completely lacking in intelligence, integrity, and imagination, three qualities this citizen has in abundance. With assistance from Thom Hartmann, one of the greatest minds on the progressive center-left, and a few others properly acknowledged at the end of the book, she has created a manifesto that is being sent to First Lady Melania Trump and to Kellyanne Conway because the author's vision is transpartisan, transformative, and an utterly essential foundation for moving America forward.
Win or lose — and the DNC is trying to kill her quick — Marianne Willliamson has gifted us with a practical and an enduring vision for reasserting who we are as a Republic of sovereign individuals who aspire to domestic tranquility and a foreign policy of — as Ron Paul says — commerce, friendship, and peace.
The first three chapters set the stage for agreeing that America is in crisis; that we all have the power to get right with God, country, community, and family now and forevermore; and that how we debate, how we engage, matters greatly. I agree with the author’s subtle dismay about both the extreme left and the extreme right, and I am surprised to find across this entire book more holistic analytics and true cost economics than any prior or existing “presidential” book, without exception.
The next four chapters each take one major issue and in a most compelling fashion, outline what our politics and our economy and society would like if we demanded an honest evidence-based government that focused on We the People, rather than doing the bidding of foreign powers and predatory capitalists who treat all of us as disposable deplorables.
Very selective quotes are included. If there were ONE book I could recommend for reading this 4th of July and beyond, this is it. It is readable, and it is a primer on restoring America's soul in the context of America's Constitution.
People, not parties. Love, not fear. Transparency not secrecy, peace not war. Yes, yes, yes, and yes.