Trump Threatens To “Close Down” Twitter, Other Social Media To Stop Them From ‘Rigging' 2020 Vote
As Liberty Bltizkrieg's Mike Krieger noted so perfectly, “everything about this is insane.”
“The tech giants are out of control, actively laundering national security state talking points via mass media “fact checker” censorship. It's only gonna get worse.”
The problem with Facebook is not that it’s a place where people can say what they want or share articles that may or may not be true. It’s that Facebook is not a town square — it’s a machine designed to make money by shoving content down the throats of people that Facebook thinks will engage with it, and thus generate advertising revenue, no matter what the cost. Politicians, pundits, racists, and scam artists have always lied in public. Facebook allows them to directly target those lies to the people most likely to believe them.
Twitter fact-checker has history of politically charged posts
Review: Hate Inc. Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another by Matt Taibbi
See Also:
#GoogleGestapo @ Phi Beta Iota