Reflections on Open Source Water Desalination

12 Water, All Reflections & Story Boards
Robert David Steele Vivas
Robert David Steele Vivas


IF sea level is rising by 3mm a year, and there are roughly 335,258,000 square kilometers of ocean surface, and a 3mm rise equates to 3,000 cubic meters per square kilometer, THEN there are one trillion cubic meters (1,005,774,000,000) of sea water available for harvesting if our objective is to both maintain the sea level and solve the industrial gutting of aquifers and related drought issues.

If I have the math right, 1,005,774,000,000 cubic meters translates into 266 trillion (265,695,317,580,000) gallons of water available for harvesting; divided by 365 days that is 738 billion (727,932,376,932) gallons per day in clean water that could be brought on tap within the year.

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Definition: Collective Intelligence by Robert Steele — A Conversation with Tom Atlee

Collective Intelligence, Definitions
Tom Atlee - Robert Steele
Tom Atlee – Robert Steele


* Collectively generated decision-support tailored to any need at any point in time and space — blends holistic analytics, true cost economics, and open source everything engineering toward a notional 24/7 World Brain.

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Robert Steele: Open Source Intelligence 101 (Intelligence Tradecraft in the Third Millennium)

Articles & Chapters
Robert David Steele Vivas
Robert David Steele Vivas

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Robert David Steele

To appear in Intelligence Tradecraft for the Third Millennium (Romania)

DOC (7 Pages): Open Source Intelligence 1.3

Intelligence is the art and science of evidence-based decision-support. Intelligence is not defined by its inputs (spies, secrecy, money, risk) but rather by its outputs – tailored actionable decision-support. In this context, the fastest, least expensive, and very often the best intelligence is achievable using mostly – and sometime only – open sources and methods.

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2015 ANSWERS Robert Steele for Sean Lorenz on OSINT Update 3

Access, Answers, Data, Design, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge
Sean Lorenz
Sean Lorenz

There is a need for hard data and statistics on OSINT — why it has been relegated to the basement and distributed rather than consolidated as with the other disciplines, what it's successes and failures have been.

In how many cases did it provide Intelligence that was critical to mission success ? NEEDS DATA 

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