Kevin Barrett: Why the War on Conspiracy Theories is Bad Public Policy

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Kevin Barrett

Why the War on Conspiracy Theories Is Bad Public Policy

Scientific evidence for the value of dissent is beautifully summarized in Charlan Nemeth’s In Defense of Troublemakers: The Power of Dissent in Life and Business (Basic Books, 2018). Nemeth, a psychology professor at UC-Berkeley, summarizes decades of research on group dynamics showing that groups that feature passionate, radical dissent deliberate better, reach better conclusions, and take better actions than those that do not—even when the dissenter is wrong.

Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman.

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Jon Rappoport: Creating ADHD is the new education – That’s the goal

04 Education, Academia, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence
Jon Rappoport

Creating ADHD is the new education – That’s the goal

“There is a form of mind control that is really mind-chaos. It shatters the processes of thought into, at best, vaguely related fragments. There is no direction, no development, no progress along a line of reasoning. This is how you disable a person. You disrupt his ability to move from A to B to C. At that point, he becomes passive. He’s willing to be programmed, because it’s easier. He wants to be programmed.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

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Jon Rappoport: Western Education Dismantling the Mind

04 Education, Academia, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Jon Rappoport

Education and the dismantling of the mind

When the solution is worse than the problem

A few astute writers assert that, perhaps 80 years ago, the whole thrust of early education in America was altered intentionally, to produce worker-ants for a highly controlled society of the future. With all due respect, I think it’s worse than that. Because now we’re turning out kids who are essentially confused, badly schooled, drifting on the wind, lost in a mind-territory of fantasized entitlement. They aren’t androids ready to work on some non-existent assembly line. They’re just lost. They’re riddled with self-esteem that doesn’t work. They’re consumers looking for magic credit so they can buy their way into happiness. They’re loaded with sugar and other chemicals that scramble their synapses. They’re not only unsympathetic toward work, they have no passion of their own.

Logic? Imagination? Never heard of it.

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Anand Giridharadas – The new elite’s phoney crusade to save the world – without changing anything

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The new elite’s phoney crusade to save the world – without changing anything

Today’s titans of tech and finance want to solve the world’s problems, as long as the solutions never, ever threaten their own wealth and power. By

Phi Beta Iota: Worth a careful read.  This is going to be the foundation for the presidential campaigns of the Independent and small party candidates in the USA in 2020. The two-party tyranny that has been the enabler of the Deep State and the Shadow Government and the looting of $43 trillion from the US public treasury (and hundreds of trillions from everyone else) is going DOWN.

Alert Reader: God, Man, & #UNRIG

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Graphic Source

Alert Reader writes in:

Robert, obviously you have overcome a lot of obstacles to remain standing and to have developed #UNRIG. You have paid your dues in spades. It seems exceedingly clear to me that you could never have accomplished all this without God Almighty's help. Obviously He has His hand on your life and has raised you up.

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