Matthew Ehret: The Geopolitics Of Epistemological Warfare: From Babylon To Neocon

Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The Geopolitics Of Epistemological Warfare: From Babylon To Neocon

I think any sane human being can agree that while war was never a good idea, war in the 21st century is an absolutely intolerable one. The problem we currently face is that many of the forces driving world events towards an all-out war of “Mutually Assured Annihilation” are anything but sane.

While I’m obviously referring here to a certain category of people who fall under a particularly virulent strain of imperial thinking which can be labelled “neo-conservative” and while many of these disturbing figures honestly believe that a total war of annihilation is a risk worth taking in order to achieve their goals of total global hegemony, I would like to make one subtle yet very important distinction which is often overlooked.

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Chuck Baldwin: The Tide Is Slowly Starting To Turn

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

The Tide Is Slowly Starting To Turn
It took me over 30 years to see the light regarding the Biblical and historical truth of Israel. So, I should not be surprised or discouraged that it has taken so long for other Christians to awaken to this truth. But the good news is, the tide is slowly starting to turn.

I honestly believe that people—Christian or otherwise—who possess a truth-seeker’s heart will be shown truth. Depending on the depth of deception buried in a person’s heart and mind, the illumination of truth will take longer for some than others—but the illumination WILL come. Continue reading “Chuck Baldwin: The Tide Is Slowly Starting To Turn”

John W. Whitehead: Drivers Beware: The Deadly Perils of Blank Check Traffic Stops

Cultural Intelligence
John Whitehead

Drivers Beware: The Deadly Perils of Blank Check Traffic Stops

We’ve all been there before.

You’re driving along and you see a pair of flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror. Whether or not you’ve done anything wrong, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach.

You’ve read enough news stories, seen enough headlines, and lived in the American police state long enough to be anxious about any encounter with a cop that takes place on the side of the road.
Continue reading “John W. Whitehead: Drivers Beware: The Deadly Perils of Blank Check Traffic Stops”

JC Cole: American Gray Swans – May 2021 # 1 “Warnings about Disaster!”

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

We as Americans are really terrible about listening to and taking action on “Warnings about Disaster”. Here is an excellent short TED Talk about it (link). (If the link doesn’t work – web search it.) It is done by Sam Feinberg the Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of Helena, a problem-solving institution that addresses urgent societal issues through for-profit, non-profit, and legislative action.

OUR SUPPLY CHAIN IS GUARANTEED TO COLLAPSE IN IT’S PRESENT POSITIONING, and that causes an Engineered Famine. Why? Because America imports 50% of it’s food, and that stops when the supply chain collapses. The other 50% of food that America grows itself is on average 1,500 miles away. For the East Coast it is 2,000 to 3,000 miles away. When the “Just in Time” Delivery system collapses then that food stops being delivered. Continue reading “JC Cole: American Gray Swans – May 2021 # 1 “Warnings about Disaster!””

Anthony Judge: Encoding Coherent Topic Transformation in Global Dialogue

Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Encoding Coherent Topic Transformation in Global Dialogue
Memorability of cognitive implication in symmetry-preserving operations on polyhedra

Overview of a variety of approaches to dialogue and conversation
Uniquely indicative encoding of processes of educational dialogue
Controversies and consensus in dialogue research
Uniquely systematic approach of potential relevance to dialogue
Metaphors of dialogue and dialogue through metaphor
Re-cognition of N-fold sets of “modes”, “ways”, “moves” and “ploys”
Potential relevance of unrelated patterns of order to dialogue transformation
Re-cognition of clustering of fundamental N-fold sets
“Cognitive tiling” or “conceptual tiling”?
Cognitive implications of operational modification of polyhedra — “global tiling”
Dialogue coherence through formalization of local symmetry-preserving operations
Operations transforming polyhedra as modelling transformations of dialogue coherence
Rendering a 64-fold pattern dynamically comprehensible via 20-fold and 12-fold patterns
Dialogue interpreted morphogenetically
Dialogue as a navigational challenge in knowledge space
Global dialogue via a 17-fold pattern of Sustainable Development Goals?
Embodiment of dialogue operations in crafts and skills

DefDog: Court Permanently Stops Gavin Newsom From Locking Down Churches

Cultural Intelligence

Under the settlement, California may no longer impose discriminatory restrictions upon houses of worship. The governor must also pay Liberty Counsel $1,350,000 to reimburse attorney’s fees and costs.

Now, the question I have is this: is Newsom PERSONALLY held liable or are the CA tax payers on the hook for it because… the corrupted twit was acting “within the course of his employment”? In which case all those immunity laws will have to seriously be struck down once and for all!